Gateway to Practical homeopathy® I



weeks of lessons

Guided Study



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Table of Contents

Through the generosity of Boiron USA,
my popular Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®
is being offered at a special reduced price.

Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® I

Second Edition

A Guided Study Group Curriculum


You are about to learn how to use homeopathy to care for the health of your family, pets, livestock and yourself safely and efficaciously.

Whether you are new to homeopathy, a seasoned user, or have tried in the past with only a few positive results …

Please read on … you’ll be glad you did!

As a mother of three boys, I learned from necessity how to treat whatever injuries came their way through the use of homeopathic remedies. A sampling of these (sometimes daily) harms includes:

Years ago, when I realized I did not want to depend on conventional medicine to raise my kids, it became clear the only way for me to accomplish this was to learn homeopathy.

And I mean really learn this medicine.

I wanted it. I wanted to know it all, and I wanted to become a master in achieving true health autonomy for myself and my family.

I was hungry for knowledge.

If you are intrigued,
read on to learn how I accomplished my goal.

First, I formed a small homeopathy study group, which proved to be a truly eye-opening and satisfying experience. However, I must make it clear that I never had any intention of becoming a professional homeopath. 

Instead, I simply wanted to be able to treat my kids, my husband and myself successfully. So, in 1987, I decided the best way to turn this wish into a reality was to start my own study group. 

The time I spent with my friends in this group, learning about the fundamentals of homeopathy, served as my intellectual nourishment while still allowing me to be the best at-home mother I could be to my three children.

My journey to becoming the homeopath I am today all started with meeting and sharing combined knowledge with other like-minded women who, like me, were looking for a better way.

My Story

Hello, my name is Joette Calabrese. Many of you already know me, having read my weekly blog or the inaugural column, The Homeopathy Journal, in past issues of the Weston A. Price Journal – Wise Traditions.

You may also know I raised my kids without ever resorting to conventional medical drugs, relying solely on homeopathy and common sense (with a little bit of spunk, guts and moxie mixed in!)

What most of you don’t know is how I started my journey over 40 years ago.

Like many of you may find yourselves now, I was a very sick young woman. I had chronic fatigue, headaches, asthma, arthritis and anxiety attacks.

As if that wasn’t enough, my body was sensitive to every chemical, toxin and unnatural substance imaginable (and some not so imaginable)!

Protecting myself from these toxins was nearly a full-time job. No problem there. I was so sick; I eventually couldn’t work anyway! I was forced to leave my successful position as an account executive for NBC. I could no longer work on the many community boards for which I was the director. I became chronically ill nearly overnight, and it turned my life upside-down.

Most folks who get sick go to doctors. In those days, I did, too.

But to be honest, not only were the doctors baffled, but the drugs they tendered only made me worse.

Antibiotics, steroids, hormones, analgesics and inhalers. I was going downhill faster with the drugs than without them.

I reasoned that if I was sick with the drugs, and I was sick without them, why buy more problems in the name of crushing side effects? So, I quit all meds. This was the proverbial tipping point for me.

The rest of the story is what I did to regain my health.


First stop: A health food store.

There, I learned about herbs, vitamins and such. I bought books — lots of them — and studied. I learned about vegetarianism. (Health food stores are keen on this modality.)
But later, I learned this was adding to my problems.

Nonetheless, a little here, a little there and my health began to improve ever so slightly. This was done by abstaining from meds, eating homemade foods and staying away from offending toxins as best I could.

Then, there was a special day that changed my life and, subsequently, the life of those closest to me.

I attended a lecture offered by a homeopathic physician. He discussed the curative ability of homeopathy, particularly in regard to toxins. 

What!!? Someone might know how to cure my illness?

However, the good doctor was retired and wouldn’t take my case.

Lucky for me, I ended up finding a homeopath in my area who had studied in Europe.

Within months, she cured me.

Because I was so smitten by my transformation, I organized a group of friends and we studied homeopathy. First in my living room and then in others’ homes, we met every Thursday night for four years. We studied. We learned. Our knowledge deepened.

Today, decades later, my boys are healthy, grown adults, and I have a thriving homeopathic practice with 17 full- or part-time employees.

And I can trace it all back to that one lecture, my first homeopath and that initial small group of friends.

I want to recreate it.

Those gatherings with my friends had such a profound effect, had that I tasked my staff with helping me create a study group curriculum to recreate those wonderfully informative, influential times in my life.

It has been a constructive process. In the fall of 2015, we produced our first of two pilot study groups. We tested, tweaked the curriculum, modified and tested again, then recorded the members’ thoughts and comments.

Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®

A Guided Study Group Curriculum

This six-week long curriculum is laid out just as you’d expect, with one lesson to study per week. Each lesson includes:

  • Learning objectives
  • Homework assignments
  • Study material in an easy-to-read, entertaining format
  • A discussion guide designed to help group leaders hold thoughtful, informative discussions with their group members

If you can read, you can lead (or co-lead) a group class!

Check out the syllabus below.

GWI 2nd ED Syllabus

Wow! Amazing? That was FUN! She is a HOOT! Learned a TON! I personally as a leader of past 4 study groups have been on a total of 5 Joette Live Q&As and I have learned something new each time or gained a deeper understanding of homeopathy as a result. I consider these optional times with Joette of high value and more than worth a $20 investment for the information and understanding you gain. Thanks so much for doing these for our groups!

We love you Joette! — Jill R.

Do you …

In this Guided Study Group Curriculum, You’ll Receive:

  • Almost 200 pages of easy-to-read study material designed to guide you on your way to becoming competent with this medicine
  • More than 40 blogs, podcasts and short video presentations outlining some of the fundamental concepts of homeopathy
  • Eligibility for group discounts on future course purchases as a special perk for group members who attend at least five of the six classes.
  • The exclusive Boiron special: Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® I for the low price of $67.91 $54.33 USD (Plus S/H)
  • Free 30-day subscription to Joette’s Mighty Members, a private, secure membership space where you can meet and share with like-minded mothers and others away from the prying eyes and censorship of social media sites.
  • A live online Q&A* with me, including a bit of teaching and a bit of inspiration.

* The fee is $20 per participant. For more details, see Lesson 6 of your curriculum or call the office.

Get started today!

Through the generosity of Boiron USA, my popular Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®
 is being offered at a special reduced price.

Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® I

The very act of investing in your family’s health by commencing your study of homeopathy will be empowering in and of itself.

I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

This curriculum has been tested, fine-tuned and proven effective. The testimonies from previous participants have been nothing short of inspiring.

The Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® is what reading, writing and arithmetic are to proper, traditional fundamental education. These are the principles that stay with you for a lifetime … the tools and resources you need most.

To say Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® will enlighten you is an understatement. In fact, this will change your life and how you look at everything you might have once thought to be true. You see, homeopathy has no limits. The more you empower it to help you, the more you will achieve the Health Freedom that my devoted students talk so much about.

"Homeopathy stimulates our ability to heal,
so we go through the disease faster and with fewer symptoms."


With Health Freedom comes INDEPENDENCE.

You will not regret taking this small step I can assure you it will have a lasting effect on you, your family and generations to follow – as it did for me.

Benefits of The Newly Revised Second Edition

After tens of thousands of my devoted students studied and benefited from Gateway I knew I was onto something!

And after talking to my powerful Gateway Leaders, who have helped so many incorporate these principles into their daily lives, I decided to take everything we’ve all learned over the last decade and update Gateway I to align it with how I teach Practical Homeopathy® today.

The only way to know is to experience it yourself. 

You can benefit from my years of teaching Gateway to those tens of thousands of students just like you and from my having honed my skills and methods as I created The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® and Mastery™.

So, arm yourself with the Power of Practical Homeopathy® and begin your journey to a better way of life, health and happiness through The Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®.

Now is YOUR time to take care of yourself and those you love … with Practical Homeopathy®.

Walk through the Gateway to your Health Freedom right here …

Still Feeling Trepidations?

Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® I will supply you with the curriculum. If you want to be a leader, it’s in there. If you would rather just be a student, that’s in there, too.

The easy-to-follow curriculum is all laid out; you do not have to research any topics. You will receive lesson plans, end-of-chapter summaries and discussion points.

Consider forming a virtual study group using  online communication software from It’s free!

Almost all of the cost to develop and write the curriculum is being underwritten by our company and our generous sponsors.

You will go beyond simply learning the (sometimes) tricky fundamentals of homeopathy. By the end of the six weeks, you will no longer hold “beginner” status in homeopathy. Instead, you will have the information you need to begin treating both acute and chronic conditions.

Please read or search this entire FAQ page first. The answer may be here! My office staff cannot answer any homeopathic-related questions. This includes questions about dosing, potencies, X vs. C, vaccines or other homeopaths. Additionally, they cannot answer any technical questions relating to computer or software problems or issues with Facebook. As I’m sure you understand, my office is extremely busy helping clients, students and individuals with health problems, and we are simply not equipped to answer all of the questions we receive on a daily basis.

First, try using a different browser (such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer), restarting your device/computer, using a different device or asking your Gateway Study Group Leader for help. If you continue to have trouble, please email:

My office usually responds within 24-48 hours (except on weekends). If you don’t see a response in your inbox, please make sure to check all available inboxes (such as junk or spam folders). For instance, Gmail recently started filtering emails into several different inboxes including Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates and Forums. Other email providers may have a similar setup. Make sure to check all of these folders for an email from either an or addresses. You can change how emails are filtered in your email settings. Also, make sure to add these addresses to your trusted, primary emails.

Once you have purchased your book and logged into your online resource page, you will find a list of my Ambassadors. These are seasoned graduates of my Academy of Practical Homeopathy® and Mastery™ programs. Joining a class with one of these able, experienced leaders and knowledgeable teachers can help get you started on the right path. Review the list and find a class that meets at a time that works best for your schedule.

Why wait? There is never a better time than the present. Plus, it is best to order your Gateway Study Guide first so you already have it on hand before you find a group to join. Some groups want to start right away, and there is no guarantee that you will receive your book in time if you wait to place your order (especially during these current times).

Yes. Each Gateway Study Group participant must own their own copy of the curriculum. This helps ensure that each participant is appropriately registered for the Gateway Study Group Curriculum and is given access to their Gateway Study Group Resource Page. Teaching many students from one study guide would violate copyright law.

Your Family's Health

It comes down to how important your family’s health is to you.

If you want to learn, I can assure you that you’ll not regret one penny or one minute spent in your group.

What you’ll learn will positively affect not only your immediate family, but generations to follow.

How can you not try?

Listen below to what some of the pilot study students have to say in their own words:


Get started today!

Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® I

The very act of investing in your family’s health by commencing your study of homeopathy will be empowering in and of itself.

I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

Through the generosity of Boiron USA, my popular Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®
 is being offered at a special reduced price.

Let’s get started now

Intuitively, you know you need to find a safe, alternative medical paradigm to effectively treat your family.

This is the time! This is the opportunity! The value is priceless, as the cost is just pennies per day.

Call your friends, mark your calendars and get ready to start on this joyous, empowering six-week journey of enlightened learning.

I promise you won’t regret it. You, too, can have the type of enriching experience I had almost 40 years ago when five of my friends and I met together in my living room to learn more about homeopathy.

Homeopathy is a rich and valuable medicine; so, let’s get started now.

Don't wait! Buy your curriculum today and join — or create — a study group tomorrow.

Consider joining a study group led by one of my Academy Graduates, who’ve gone on to become Ambassadors. Join one of their classes now; classes start every month. 

Get your friends together.

This six-week long curriculum is laid out just as you’d talk to friends in your…

  • Homeschool group
  • Church group
  • Family
  • Social circle
  • Facebook group
  • Neighborhood

What’s most important is that you all share a passion for learning.

Get started today!

Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® I

The very act of investing in your family’s health by commencing your study of homeopathy will be empowering in and of itself.

I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

Through the generosity of Boiron USA, my popular Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®
 is being offered at a special reduced price.

One last comment ...

I have designed the Gateway Study Group Curriculum as the essential launch pad for every determined mom, grandmom or dad. Whether you are brand new to homeopathy or have lots of experience with it, gather a band of like-minded people and put together your own homeopathy study group.

The information you’ll learn will provide the keys to successfully raise healthy children and effectively treat your loved ones. Consider this study group as step one toward genuine wellness and health independence.

Life shouldn’t be measured by the length of your medical troubles, but by your memories, deeds and adventures instead.

“One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you’ll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do.”

Important Announcement

 Dear Students,
The site will temporarily be down starting at 10:00 a.m. October 22nd
Thank you for your patience in this matter.