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        Learning Is One of Life's
        Greatest Joys!

        Online courses with Joette Calabrese

        I’ve been where you are.

        I was a sickly child. Within a few short weeks of my birth, I had health challenges: eczema, allergies, strep throat, otitis media, tonsillitis, conjunctivitis — you name it. As a teen, I developed chronic gastrointestinal pain, gut dysbiosis and antibiotic dependency. I fell prey to chronic fatigue and asthma. My allergies, food intolerances, headaches and chemical sensitivities weren’t merely an inconvenience; they disrupted every aspect of my existence for decades.

        So, when I say I’ve been where you are, it’s true. Maybe even worse. I understand pain, anxiety and suffering.

        My mother searched for answers to my health challenges to no avail. As I became older, I joined her in the search. But unfortunately, whatever the physicians, naturopaths, clinical ecologists, and functional M.D.s gave me made me even sicker. Antibiotics, steroids, hormones, analgesics and inhalers. I was going downhill faster with the drugs than without them. I hardly recognized myself. I gained weight, had dark circles under my eyes, and was fatigued, depressed, worn out and almost hopeless.

        I learned about herbs, vitamins and essential oils. I bought books — lots of them — and studied. I even tried vegetarianism. However, my health only improved slightly.

        Then, I discovered homeopathy.

        Join With Others

        Mighty Members

        Start with Mighty Members, a subscription to a group of like-minded individuals who are interested in homeopathy.

        If taking my courses seems too much of a commitment right now, OR you’re planning to take my courses but just want to get your feet wet until you do, OR you’ve already taken my courses and want more, more, more … my friends, let’s get cozy. Let’s get closer. Let me share my methods with you — without the fear of censorship by public social media — for only a super-small commitment of $9 a month (or even less if you subscribe annually).

        Let’s do it. Let’s do it together! I’ll see you on the other side.

        Mighty Members Plus

        • Enjoy all that comes with Mighty Members​ ...
        • Study flashcards of 200 Homeopathic Medicines to Know​.
        • Preview snippets of content from my higher levels of education​.
        • Attend regular Zoom meetings with Joette..​
        • Bonus! A monthly, accumulating points system​ to use toward future purchases.

        Gateway I

        • Be granted access to OHM Pharma's student discount.
        • Receive a guided study group curriculum.
        • Study through online access and a physical book.
        • Have an opportunity for a live Q&A with Joette
        Purchase once; own forever.

        It all starts with my
        Gateway to Practical Homeopathy®

        Start your homeopathic journey with like-minded individuals and make friends for life.

        Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® I, Second Edition, is a brilliant study guide to enter my wonderful world of homeopathy. It is often called the “Study Group Curriculum” because it is specially designed for homeopathic newbies and oldies alike to get together for six sessions and discuss lesson readings.

        Savvy women and men who own this curriculum are busy bees who have demanding family schedules and value their time. So, this curriculum jet-propels you into my unique form of homeopathy by:

        • Examining the basic principles of homeopathy and introducing Practical Homeopathy® along with protocols for common conditions.
        • Creating a support group where you can build a strong homeopathic community of like-minded folks to call on when you have questions.

        This is truly a great next step on your road to homeopathic competence — especially if you are not quite ready to take one of my in-depth courses. 

        Although you can use the curriculum alone, we strongly encourage you to use this curriculum in a group setting. The diverse experience each member will bring to your discussions will enrich your understanding of the material.

        Continue with
        Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® II

        For those who completed Gateway to Practical Homeopathy® I, but wished it would never end, you can now continue down the pathway with my Gateway II.

        Following a similar format to Gateway I, this five-session study guide expands upon what you learned in your first study group. Get back together with your friends from your first group, or form a new group and widen your network of like-minded homeopathy study buddies.

        In these five sessions, you’ll enjoy chapter readings, video clips and questions to stimulate lively discussion. You’ll learn specific practical protocols, how to use them and when.

        This study-group guide covers topics such as: the manufacturing processes of homeopathic remedies, liquid dosing, Mother Tinctures, cell salts and using higher potencies. Plus, you’ll learn how to address colds and flu, headaches, allergies, and homeopathy for emergencies. Just as in Gateway I, you’ll have the opportunity to do a live Q&A with me.

        Not only is this guide packed with valuable information you need, but also by continuing the study group format, you will strengthen the bonds of community that you forged in Gateway I.

        My goal for you is not only personal empowerment, but the strength that comes through having a support group of others, who — like yourself — have guts, spunk and moxie!

        Gateway II

        • Continue on your path with Gateway II.
        • Receive a guided study group curriculum.
        • Study through online access and a physical book.
        • Have an opportunity for a live Q&A with Joette.
        • Learn cell salts through focused lessons.
        Purchase once; own forever.

        My Homeopathic Protocol Courses

        Click on the Course Survey button for assistance in deciding which course to pick for you and your family.

        All my protocol courses come with these additional benefits:

        • Receive access to OHM Pharma’s student discount.
        • Enjoy a Facebook-free Social Center.
        • Payment plans are available.
        • 100% money-back guarantee.

        Escape Allergies, Sensitivies, and Intolerances


        Purchase once; own forever.

        Practical, Proven Homeopathic Protocols


        Purchase once; own forever.

        How to Stop Stressing About Toxins


        Purchase once; own forever.

        Safe, Effective Treatment of Skin Ailments


        Purchase once; own forever.

        How You Can Correct Female Ailments


        Purchase once; own forever.

        Strategies to Uproot Seemingly Unrelated Illnesses


        Purchase once; own forever.

        Practical Protocols for Mental and Emotional Conditions


        Purchase once; own forever.

        Escape From the Prison of Chronic (and Acute) Pain


        Purchase once; own forever.

        Seek Health Independence and True Medical Preparedness


        Purchase once; own forever.

        A Go-To, How-To
        Direct to Moms, for Moms


        Purchase once; own forever.

        Homeschooling Parents

        The Ultimate Cool Kids' Guide to Homeopathy​

        • We encourage your children to be all they can be.
        • Learn at your own pace​.
        • Enjoy fun, digital videos hosted by Joette Calabrese.​​​
        • Payment plans available​​.

        Start your child on the path to self reliance.

        As parents, we encourage our children to be all they can be … to reach their highest potential and take on the world forthrightly. When we do that with love, patience and dedication, it works. I know because I did it with my own kids decades ago.

        Here is a fact: The study of homeopathy builds self-sufficiency, competence and confidence. I believe it helps one develop true self-esteem — the kind that arises from mastery of skills and growth of character.

        Real self-worth comes from having self-respect. Self-respect arises in response to the same qualities that cause us to respect others — from doing things that we respect and living in a way we respect.

        I want to help you challenge your child so they stretch, grow and develop — not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and in their character, knowledge and skill.

        Visualize Your Journey

        Whether your end goal is to simply find a solution to an issue you are facing or to solve your family’s health, you are in the right place.
        See how Maria’s life was changed with what Joette Calabrese has to offer.


        I am Joette Calabrese.

        With almost 40 years of homeopathic consulting and a cumulative year and a half as a fellow at the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation in Kolkata, India, my mission is to bring homeopathy to mothers and grandmothers around the world. In the constantly changing field of modern medicine, it is my mission to provide individuals with the skills to master their own health future.

        Why My Courses?

        Grow your knowledge and
        stay ahead of your health!

        100% money-back guarantee

        If you don't like the product and have not completed it, we will honor refunds.
        Check the refund page by clicking above.

        Trusted Knowledge

        I give you all my accumulated knowledge so that you may teach and help others.

        Anytime, Anywhere

        Your courses are always here. Buy it once and come back to it forever.

        What people are saying

        Some Feedback

        Lucy has struggled with asthma ever since moving into her recently renovated apartment. Her sensitivities don’t stop at chemicals, as seasonal changes seem to bother her as well as her new roommate’s cat!

        Hoping for an alternative to a life that is tethered to allergy medications, she signed up for this class. Armed with an easy, straightforward protocol, Lucy allowed her roommate to keep the cat, and she also cured the cat’s intolerance to grains!!

        Lucy is amazed at how her springtime has been pleasant, rather than suffering from one miserable sinus infection after another. Way to go Lucy.