Joette's Combo Pack:
Top 7 Products
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At Last!
YOU can CURE your family with Homeopathy and do it without years of training, studying, and pouring over confusing and expensive books.
With remedies you probably already own (or at least ought to own), you will be the health expert in your family.
Many of you already know me. I’m Joette Calabrese, and I’m a homeopathic consultant, lecturer, and author.
I’m also a Weston A. Price Foundation Honorary Board member, and author of the column in Wise Traditions called “The Homeopathy Journal.”
Most importantly, I’m a mom who has raised her 3 boys to adulthood using only Homeopathy and pig-headed determination.
Before our family came along, I was plagued with years of suffering from environmental illness. That means I had very severe allergies and chronic fatigue.
As a member of a large Italian-American family with several doctors as members, I went from one to the other to find answers. I also went to see doctors at the prestigious Yale University Medical Center and still, no one could give me an explanation nor solution other than steroids. No thanks.
When it was evident that no one could help me, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I studied botanicals, nutrition, vitamin therapy and naturopathy. The illness kept me from being able to work, so I had plenty of free time.
During those years I thought being sick was a curse, but as you’ll see it became a heavenly blessing.
It was about this same time that by chance, I stumbled across a lecture offered by an MD on Homeopathy. This was the first occasion any medicine (or doctor) made sense to me, and I vowed to learn more.
It became my ultimate undertaking… my decisive task and my life’s significant assignment to learn everything I could about Homeopathy so that I could use it for family and myself.
Shortly after undertaking this task, I had an increase in vitality because of this new Homeopathic medicine.
I was subsequently married, had children, and incorporated Homeopathy exclusively in raising our sons, taking care of our aging parents, and treating our livestock and pets.
Finally, I immersed myself into a formal Homeopathic education. I participated in a five year certification program and received my Masters in Homeopathy, all the while dragging my very understanding family to Toronto, NYC, Ohio, Florida, New Jersey and Calcutta, India, for additional post-graduate training.
I haven’t been to a conventional doctor since!
That was 27 years ago!
Today, my children are all grown so I’m able to teach and consult with clients from all other the world; Australia, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Italy, Russia, Turkey…
“Competence and integrity …these are the words that best describe Joette Calabrese as a classical homeopathic practitioner and educator.” – Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan, India-Hony. Homeopathic Physician to the President of India
But most of what I do is provide care to families with children. I suppose this has come about because I love kids, relate to mothers, and am a passionate proponent for the integrity of the family.
“I have used homeopathy for more than 10 years after learning what I know from Joette and am amazed at the effectiveness of the remedies. The remedies work with such speed and efficiency that you just know it’s right. No side effects. No complications. Just a robust regaining of health and well-being. With this safe medicine, I have found that I can help my family through illness without a trip to a doctor. Working with Joette as my guide, I can feel confident that whatever situation arises, we have a strong therapy that can help us stay healthy and strong. Joette’s dedication and knowledge is invaluable to the well-being of my family.” – Deb Ritchie, Native Offerings Organic Farm, East Otto, NY
Whether as an adjunct to a doctor’s suggestion, or whether you want to take on the majority of your family’s care yourself, these techniques are priceless to families.
I recognized the daunting undertaking this had represented in my life, so it took many years to figure out how I could present this to other mothers, minus the in-depth training I had received.
First, I wrote a Homeopathy work book. Then a year or so later, I produced a nutrition CD for busy moms, then a Homeopathy first-aid CD for active families, and another and another until I finally found myself with an entire holistic program geared towards empowering families.
The mainstay of the material was homeopathic, but I also included the little home-remedy gems I had learned along the way. For example, after administering the homeopathic remedy Chamomilla to a teenager with a 103-degree temperature, do you know what to do next?
Check this out:
I love this little trick of the trade: you coat the palms of their hands and bottoms of their feet with olive oil. This helps retain moisture lost during a fever so the threat of dehydration is intelligently and safely addressed.
There are loads of other techniques I want to share with you… additional little secrets I’ve used throughout my years of tending to families.
This is just a small sample of what’s in store for you when you allow me to show ALL the tactics, secrets and strategies I’ve accumulated over the years.
My idea is to get you to be the health pro in your family so that you will not need a doctor’s advice on what to do for fevers.
You also won’t need a doctor’s advice for minor injuries, bee stings, ear infections, nausea, flu, colds….in fact, you’ll know how to take care of almost anything that comes your way with self-confidence using the most graceful and powerful medicine in the world: Homeopathy.
By simply reading this and even considering it, you’re taking a big leap toward ensuring your family’s health and well-being.
Not because there’s a magic bullet, but because I plan to convince you that you…better than anyone else…can take care of the ills that come your way with my simple yet powerful strategies.
This will be the single most important thing you do this year to finally take control and reduce your medical expenses.
You really can do this on your own, at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home and take comfort in knowing you’ll always be prepared to handle even the toughest of situations.
In fact, I urge you to take on just about anything that comes your way.
Need more reasons?
“My son accidentally slammed his 6 yr old brother’s hand in the car door. After determining that nothing was broken, my mainstream choice of medicine would’ve been Motrin. Instead, I gave him Hypericum. Within 10 minutes he was asking for food. Within an hour he was back to his old self and playing. This is not what I’ve seen using any method other than Homeopathy. And is a small example of what I’ve learned from Joette.” – Karen Slaer, San Diego
Now don’t get me wrong, there is a time and place for accepting a doctor’s advice.
I cover this in the program, too. But far too often had moms only had some good, sound homeopathic information, they could avert 80-90% of their visits to a doctor.
SAVE MONEY. Eliminate (or at least greatly reduce) co-pays, travel time and exposure to other sick kids by avoiding the waiting rooms loaded with germs and goodness knows what else.
So many moms have thanked me for delivering this to them. They’re just like you. They’re just like us…they want to be able to take care of their families without side-effects and scary, superfluous medical procedures.
If you’re bewildered and struggling with your kids’ illnesses, please know this:
Your lack of success is NOT because you haven’t been reading, consulting friends, searching on the net, or doing your absolute best to find the right answers.
No. The success you crave is being held up because of something much more simple… and much easier to solve… what you need is
….The Right Homeopathic Answers Specific to Your Family
And they shouldn’t be a secret.
So here is the big question: do you want to waste more time and money chasing after partial-answer books and expensive classes that promise solutions without delivering results?
… Or are you finally ready to learn the first simple step to becoming fully capable of handling it yourself with your own competent, motherly hands?
I don’t mean to be forward, but I can’t help sharing my excitement about this program because it’s the strategy I used when I was a young mother and a new Homeopath. It’s a goof-proof program; not just one more thing to do. It will actually lighten your burden..
I want you to know you CAN do this. There are no secrets when it comes to understanding Homeopathy. Also know what I’ve been saying for years is paramount:
Good Health Isn’t Random.
“Your information was the best ever! I don’t know how I’d do without Homeopathy and your guidance.” – Elizabeth Williamson, St. Paul
Here’s my formula:
You take my skill as a mother of 37 years, mix it with my clinical experience of 30 years, add a fervor for my craft and distill it into one package.
What you get is my know-how that has taken years of education and a devotion to this subject that not many are willing to invest in.
Because I’m so passionate about this information, specifically for mothers, I’ve refined and developed a mother-specific package that’s taken me countless hours to simplify.
It’s unbeatable. I know this because I’m told again and again by my students and clients from around the world.
More importantly, I’ve found a way to transfer my knowledge to your brain without making it complicated.
My goal is to effectively communicate this otherwise-overwhelming information in a way that genuinely resonates with you so it feels like I’m right there with you.
I’ll spoon feed it to you, not because I believe you’re incapable of learning, but because you already have a very full plate. I make it an easy-to-learn formula. I love formulas.
Especially when they result in making life easier. When a formula designed to provide consistently remarkable results is offered … it’s got to be a good idea to get in on it. Making it a priority is the key to your ultimate success.
Listen, I not only had my own babies naturally, but I’ve also attended many births. I know babies. I know moms. I know about children and their health because I’ve been there and I’VE ADORED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!
“What help I got from your tutelage for my pregnancy! Before Homeopathy my 5 previous labors lasted days (usually 2-3) and I still had to be induced because I could never get past 3cm on my own. This last pregnancy I went to a “routine” appointment on my 36th week. My midwife said “you’re having your baby today”… I was 4cm, 80% effaced and had had no contractions and none until my water broke! My labor lasted just over 2 hours. It was the easiest delivery ever! And I ended up with the perfect baby. I followed Joettes’ instructions and the difference is remarkable. All this thanks to Joette’s priceless information.” – Jen Webster, Vail, Colorado
I’ll make no apologies. Training mothers and grandmothers to be the healers in their homes is the best job there is. That’s because I get to be a mom right alongside them.
It’s really that simple. In fact, the very day you get my program, you’ll be able to treat immediately. And I mean immediately. That night, if your teenager gets ear pain, you’ll find the answer in my downloadable book “Cure Yourself and Family With Homeopathy.” This book, and my experience, will guide you through.
The questions most mothers are left with after reading health books just aren’t answered thoroughly enough, which can be the beginning of a never-ending cycle in the search for knowledge about good health.
I know because I get these questions in my consulting office, classes and seminars that remain unanswered until I clue them in.
So why not just buy a regular Homeopathy book?
Here’s why: Where most mothers get stuck, and we’re talking about everyone from rookie mom to tempered veteran, is in the “I’m afraid to not do as I was told by a doctor once” part.
This is why my notoriously-simple system for knowing deep down to your toes how to handle an emergency or a simple cough is everything you need and will put your mind at ease by giving you the confidence you deserve.
Remember, there was a time the doctor was unsure, too. He/she gained confidence from experience and knowledge. That’s precisely what I’m offering you.
If there is a “magic bullet” for creating robust health in your family…
… it is simply knowing where to find straightforward information from someone who’s speaking your language along the way.
This is what I wish I had after my first baby boy was born. I’d rummage through a Homeopathy book and consider…this remedy? That remedy?
Sometimes it would work because I chose the right one. But too many times, my husband and I were alone with our sick child in my arms at 2AM wondering and hoping I had made the right decision.
After numerous degrees, certifications, voluminous years of study and 100% commitment to my craft, I decided it shouldn’t be this hard for the next wave of mothers coming up.
So here’s my chance to give to others what was missing in my early days of motherhood. My time well spent becomes your gain.
The sad fact is… most moms have the best of intentions to take control of their family’s health but are flying BLIND in their quest to make sense of it.
They literally throw stuff into the mix …vegetarian diet, dairy elimination, filling their families with vitamins, buying the latest herb fad and then praying that it all works.
Because the media sends capricious messages and the doctors don’t want to lose clientele, the information parents learn is chaotic, self-serving to a specific industry and often, downright misguided.
This results in mothers having no clue what really DOES work to create an indisputably hearty family, or how to treat any illness that may come down the pike.
The fact is that even with powerhouse foods like raw milk, nutrient dense fats and whole organic vegetables in the diet, there are still health issues that can only be treated with Homeopathy.
I know this because I’ve tutored my clients in the teachings of Weston A. Price for nearly as long as I’ve used Homeopathy and the duo is unbeatable, but often not one without the other.
By the way, did you know that Homeopathy was once a mainstay in the U.S., used by homeopathic doctors who totaled nearly 40% of the MD’s in this country?
And did you also know that it was credited with curing thousands of people who suffered from the Spanish flu in 1918? This was done in hospitals, factories, offices and homes, and each case is documented and accounted for.
What if your family gets the flu? Do you have the right homeopathic protocol in place? My strategy includes hands-on influenza information that has been known to protect against it for 200 years. It’s included in my program on page 27 of You Too Can Prevent the Flu.
“I just have to share this: My daughter began to not feel well with a fever and extreme tiredness. She went to lie down and looked ghostly pale and then threw up. I gave her Nux vomica, but there was no change. I had just received Joette’s packet with info on Gelsemium. I read it and the symptoms matched perfectly , so I gave her 4 little pills of Gelsemium. In 10-15 minutes, she sat with us eating, laughing and playing. Her eyes were brighter, she was up and around and her face had color. This is incredible!” – Cathy Mahley, Houston
If you do not yet clearly understand how to treat your family with Homeopathy, then you are destined to succumb to the methods of today’s medical practices, which include perilous drugs, invasive procedures and scare tactics.
This gets hazardous, wearisome AND expensive… FAST.
It’s a never-ending struggle likely to leave you as a permanent member among the hordes of floundering, worried and drug buying doctor-hoppers clogging the pediatric and emergency waiting rooms in search of real medicine, when all the while it could’ve been in your own hands.
Please allow this truth to sink in.
Unless you know how to treat your family every time… every illness, wound, bee sting and cold will be a lost opportunity to increase your family’s wellness and create true, lasting health.
Did you know that Homeopathy has no side-effects? That’s right…NO side-effects, and it is regulated by the FDA.
But the best part is that it doesn’t treat symptoms.
That means it doesn’t cover up the illness. Instead, it actually stimulates the body’s ability to uproot the propensity for the pathology in the first place.
For example, when your little one gets ear infection after ear infection, Homeopathy gets to the essence of the problem and eliminates it….for now… and for the future and better yet, both his comprehension and behavior improves!
Homeopathy understands that this is all linked together. Poor behavior, repeated ear infections, allergies; they are all one. The correct remedy releases your child from them all!
Now that’s what I call real medicine!
Prescription drugs, on the other hand, will be worthless in your hands because they weren’t meant to cure…only to cover up symptoms as a temporary fix. We don’t want temporary…we want enduring…vigorous….dynamic health!
Until you know how to resolve illness, and I mean really uproot it, you are wasting precious time at the expense of your family’s health and well-being.
And one of the best parts about Homeopathy is that learning these secrets is actually painless and even fun!
Can you think of a better way to spend your time? Aren’t our families worth every moment of our attention and commitment to this easily attainable knowledge?
It doesn’t take long to embody these skills (when you have just a little bit of help.)
In fact, it’s truly simple to accomplish, especially with a seasoned teacher, homeopathic consultant and fellow mom like me guiding you. And once you “get” it…
… you’ll be hooked for life….never to turn back to outdated and archaic medicine again. Never to stoop to the ways that carry the burden of serious side-effects. Plus, you’ll have the wherewithal to start
In other words, once you cure the after-effects of a bee sting in which not only the swelling is removed, but the pain, too…within a few minutes, you’ll want to take on eliminating menstrual cramps, chicken pox, fatigue, etc.
“Can I really learn how to do this quickly and easily,” you might ask?
The simple answer: Yes, yes, yes. You CAN!
I’ve taken the most skeptical, stubborn, and meek individuals and transformed them into first rate Homeopaths at home. They often go on to treat neighbors and relatives with self-confidence. What a superb reputation to have!
I’ve coached grandmas who haven’t opened a book other than a romance novel in 20 years. I’ve instructed hormonally distracted teenagers and mothers of newborns with 5 others in tow. This is not complicated stuff, it’s just rich with information I’ve streamlined.
I’ve alleviated all the hard work for you by short-cutting the entire process.
In this program:
- You learn to be the go-to healer
- You save hundreds of dollars on co-pays and prescription drugs. Some mothers have told me that they’ve saved over $2,000 in the first year of using my methods! (Have you priced the difference between a homeopathic remedy and an antibiotic lately?)
FINALLY…you’ll be the one to know. You’ll be showing everyone how to do it. Best of all, you’ll be able to cure your family of all the inconvenient issues as they occur. Bing, bing, bingo. All gone!
Okay, then. Let’s get started on changing yours and your family’s life forever…
Here’s what I want to share with you:
This comprehensive bundle includes my top 7 products. This is your Homeopathy crash course and your shortcut to becoming a top homeopath at home.
This combo pack includes:
Cure Yourself & Family – Learn the basics of Homeopathy so you can protect your family from illness without questionable drugs.
You Too Can Protect From the Flu – A definitive compilation of homeopathic strategies to deal with the flu.
Cell Salts: the Easy Homeopathy – A two CD set; The first and only step-by-simple-step guide to Homeopathy on the Internet written for Moms by me, a homeopath who is also a mother and teacher.
Perform In the Storm: Homeopathic First Aid – A CD; Learn the simple steps to take control of your family’s first-aid issues.
Baby Grande – A CD; Combining Homeopathy and nutrition, you will learn how to halt nausea and indigestion, lessen pain at birth, protect and foster a healthy baby and much more.
Secret Spoonfuls Recipe Book – A CD; You will learn how to make (in your own kitchen) fast, delicious and nutrient-rich meals that your children will actually eat.
Fizzy Lizzy – Our free additional CD of inspirational homeopathic stories.
(Make sure to have the skeptics in your life listen to this one!)
Hard Copy Package…………………………………………..$158.76 USD, plus S/H
This hard copy product comes packaged with all of the CD’s, the Secret Spoonfuls Recipe Book, Cure Yourself and Family With Homeopathy and You Too Can Protect from the Flu (both in protective, covered, spiral-bound books.)
Or choose the more economical (but just as valuable):
Digital Download Option:……………………………………..$115.56 USD
Are You Ready To Start?

We have improved this option by providing you with:
Digital downloads of all audio files, including Secret Spoonfuls Recipe Book, Baby Grande, Perform in the Storm, and Cell Salts: the Easy Homeopathy.
Plus: Secret Spoonfuls Recipe Book as a searchable PDF download.
Plus, Plus: Hard copies of You Too Can Protect from the Flu and Cure Yourself and Family With Homeopathy will now be mailed to your home, printed and bound (in protective covers.)
This means you’ll have your own booklets without having to print or bind them yourself!
These booklets are designed with space in the margins for you to add your notes – I have found that to be invaluable when emergencies strike.
When each of these programs is purchased separately, they cost over $200 USD combined. I’ve never offered these as a package before.
But since we’ve been getting requests for the program in its entirety, I thought it should be offered at the most reasonable price possible because I just want to get you started!
Believe me, I know how busy you are. When I was a Homeopathy student in Toronto and New York, I’d stay up late at night to study while my family slept and I’d read my notes into a tape recorder.
For the next days, weeks, and months, whether weeding or making dinner, I’d listen to (no, devour) my tapes. It was a feast of priceless information.
My kids grew up learning this right alongside me. I played the tapes again and again until I was sure the information had become a part of my brain.
This is why I designed this program in audio format with the workbook. Just think, you’ll never waste another minute in the car, or anywhere for that matter, because you can download it to your phone.
Within the first day of listening, I expect…actually I guarantee…that you’ll find the perfect opportunity to use a homeopathic remedy that will do the trick for a health issue, no matter how big or small, one of your kids is experiencing.
“It was my cousin who turned me onto Joette’s program. She had been using Joette’s strategies for a few years and told me story after story of her successes. So I followed her recommendation and got involved myself. Everything she said was true. Now I’m the one telling others. I was not a believer at first but not only do I have more command over my family’s health, but it wasn’t as difficult as I thought to learn it. I just listen to the information while driving to work. And our medical bills have been reduced by half in the last year or so. I love Joette’s stuff.” – Donna Jamison, St. Croix
This is a shortcut roadmap on how to go from clueless to clued-in…in the fastest way possible. There is nothing quicker or easier.
My Sicilian grandmothers raised my parents in a time when folks went to the hospital to die. There were no “well baby” appointments…in fact, there were no doctors in their lives at all!
My grandmothers weren’t neglectful; instead, they were quite committed. (Have you ever heard of an Italian mother who wasn’t?) They had big families, birthed at home, cooked meals from scratch, tended their vegetable gardens and even found time to go to daily Mass.
Why, then, would they leave the care of their children’s health to a stranger…and then pay for it?
They learned the techniques their mothers, grandmothers and aunts taught them.
And no one was the worse for it. They were actually better off by simply not using ANY modern drugs!
Yet, they knew something most mothers in the last 70 or so years have forgotten.
And although they didn’t employ Homeopathy (mostly because it was the medicine of the educated Americans and British), they understood on a visceral level how essential it was not to suppress symptoms with questionable drugs.
This is what your children deserve from you. A mother who is gutsy, strong and confident, with a tinge of defiance towards anyone who questions her God-given authority.
They’ll be saying, “Hold that cough…Mom’s on the way!”
(And get the two valuable booklets – Cure Yourself and Family With Homeopathy and You Too Can Protect From the Flu printed, bound and mailed to your home.)
This is your Homeopathy crash course… your blueprint in a (metaphorical) box. This is the foundation that will serve as the stepping stone to you and your family’s health independence for decades to come. I promise.
When you do finally experience the power of this knowledge, please email me at [email protected] and tell me all about it. I would love to hear from you.
I absolutely understand how tight times are, but that’s why I think this is the best, the finest, the most superb choice for your family.
(Not to mention it’s the most inexpensive way I know to take control of your family’s health.)
Join me and our community of moms and grandmothers who are thrilled with this program. I know you will be, too.
Hugs and wellness to you and your children.
(And remember, I’d love to hear of your successes. Make sure to email me!)

My offer to you is risk-free.
There are more details but even if you fall outside of the refund rules described here, you can still request a refund, and we’ll take a look.
Don’t let this chance pass you by and live to regret it.