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        How to Raise a Drug-Free Family with
        Practical Homeopathy




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        Table of Contents

        How to Raise a Drug-Free Family with Practical Homeopathy

        The System™ DIGITAL VERSION

        A Go-To, How-To
        Directed to Moms, for Moms

        You are about to discover not only why British royalty, American presidents and world leaders like Gandhi and Mother Teresa relied on homeopathy, but more importantly, how you can quite effectively do the same.

        Do you want to feel the confidence and poise that come from knowing you have the skills and the tools to heal at your fingertips?

        Many people view homeopathy as an alternative, and hence a “non- mainstream,” form of medicine, but, in fact, until around the 1940s, homeopathy occupied a central place in American medicine. In Washington, D.C., only one memorial is dedicated to a physician — the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

        All the materials in the image to the left will be available to you digitally online 24/7, that’s 24 hours per day/7 days per week.

        Including the new supplement: 70+ Banerji Protocols.

        This allows you to read it anytime from your computer.

        We suggest printing a copy so you can write and keep your notes in the provided space on each page of study material.

        Be sure to see the special offer for the NoteBook when you go through check out.

        In this System, you'll learn how to...

        Table of Contents.

        The Linen Closet 
        But My Doctor Is So Nice 
        My Story 
        Let’s Make Sure We Understand 
        Whose Child Is This Anyway? 
        Then What is the Solution? 
        The Pyramid of Genuine Health 
        Do As You’re Told! The Flu, Flu Shots and Homeopathy
        Vaccines and Homeopathy 
        What If? 
        Action Point Summary 

        Preparation of Homeopathic Potencies 
        Some Main Remedies to Have on Hand 
        Care & Handling 
        How to Administer 
        About Dosage 
        Good Family Kit 
        An Important Distinction 
        What is Acute Disease? 
        What is Chronic Disease? 
        Remedy Relationships 
        Taking Your Child’s Case 
        Case Notes Example 
        Let’s Talk Fats 
        Action Point Summary 

        Is It a Cold or Influenza? 
        If It’s a Simple Fever 
        Leading Remedies for Fever 
        Other Remedies to Consider for Fever 
        The In-flu-ence 
        Remedies for Colds and Flu 
        A Welcome Shortcut 
        Leading Remedies for Colds and Influenza 
        Other Remedies to Consider for Colds & Flu 
        Urinary Tract Infections 
        Patience and Observation 
        Action Point Summary

        Chicken Pox
        Ear Infections 
        Rubella (German Measles) 
        Action Point Summary

        Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye 
        Growing Pains 
        Head Lice 
        Pin Worms 
        Action Point Summary

        Skin: Don’t Disturb the Eating & Cleansing Process 
        The Acid Mantle 
        Diaper Rash 
        Baby Acne 
        Cradle Cap 
        Poison Ivy 
        Teenage Acne 
        Melasma/Mask of Pregnancy 
        Fungal Infections 
        Action Point Summary

        A Three-Part Harmony 
        Irritability & Temper Tantrums 
        Performance Anxiety 
        Insecurity & Fear 
        The Character of Pain 
        Menstrual Ailments 
        Action Point Summary

        Healthy Teeth How-Tos: Building Strong Teeth & Homemade Mint-Free Toothpaste
        Premier Remedies for Dentistry 
        Allergic Reactions 
        Anxiety Before You Even Arrive 
        Dental Caries 
        Dental Braces 
        Dry Sockets 
        Gingivitis or Gum Disease 
        Pain and Swelling 
        Tooth Aches

        Symptom Categories 
        Gastrointestinal Ailments 
        Food Intolerances 
        Sore Throats 
        Action Point Summary

        Preparing for Emergencies 
        10 Toxins
        Magic Metal: Mercury Poisoning 
        Action Point Summary

        Homeopathy for Animals 
        A Chicken Epidemic 
        Homeopathy for Dogs and Cats 
        Veterinary Care 
        Gastrointestinal Ailments 
        Emergencies, Injuries and Toxins 
        The Vaccination Quandary 
        Purr-fect Solutions 
        Homeopathy for Farm Animals 
        Action Point Summary

        Homeopathy Stories: People Just Like You & Me 
        Do You Want to Go to Homeopathy School? 
        Where to Buy Homeopathic Remedies 
        Directory of Homeopathic Organizations 
        Recommended Book List 
        Nutritional Resources 
        Additional Resources from Joette 
        About Joette Calabrese

        Course Index.

        Plus Much More...

        This course is broken down into 12 Modules. Each module includes detailed step-by-step instructions. Plus a helpful Action Plan Summary at the end of every module that reinforces and guides you to an understanding of the subject. But this program is more than simply studying. We work together. The answers are never far away. Each Module is reinforced with a 3-hour pre-recorded webinar:

        • Listen to the webinar in the private comfort and privacy of your home. I have added special insights and experiences to super reinforce what you are learning.
        • Your digital copy of my archived “Insider Newsletter,” chocked full of relevant monthly tutorials
        • Access to our private Facebook group for robust discussions with fellow students and students of my other online courses. This group is actively monitored by my team and access to it is limited to students who have completed any of my courses. Discuss homeopathy without fear of spam or advertising, with only students of my courses.

        The only way to take on the responsibility of treating our families is to:

        • Educate ourselves
        • Have pig-headed determination

        We must read, think outside the box, and bravely take on our family’s care more directly. Our first responsibility is to our children and grandchildren.

        All the materials in the image to the right will be available to you digitally online 24/7. Ready for you whenever you have time to dive in.

        Including the new supplement: 70+ Banerji Protocols.

        This allows you to read it anytime from your computer.

        We suggest printing a copy so you can write and keep your notes in the provided space on each page of study material.

        Be sure to see the special offer for the NoteBook when you go through check out.

        This takes the guesswork out of selecting the right remedy for your child.

        My system is easily comprehended, written by a Mom for Moms.

        The Digital Version of this course includes:

        • 12 modules of study
        • Access to our private Facebook group for robust discussions with fellow students and students of my other online courses. This group is actively monitored by my team and access to it is limited to students who have completed any of my courses. Discuss homeopathy without fear of spam or advertising, with only students of my courses.
        • Each of the 12 pre-recorded webinars are viewable online on-demand.
        • Your digital copy of my archived “Insider Newsletter,” chocked full of relevant monthly tutorials.

        Get started today!

        Drug-Free Family with Practical Homeopathy®
        The System™ DIGITAL VERSION -- A Go-To, How-To Directed to Moms, for Moms

        You are about to discover not only why British royalty, American presidents and world leaders like Gandhi and Mother Teresa relied on homeopathy, but more importantly how you can quite effectively do the same.

        This product is only offered in English at this time.

        Your Feedback:

        “What a great year! I have so much fun helping my family and friends. I have been using homeopathy for over 20 years and am thrilled with learning more with this amazing system so that it now has become second nature to me.”
         -Anna C.
        Baltimore, MD

        Homeopathic Remedies are Safe, Effective Medicine.

        It is easy to find examples of Homeopathy being used:

        Peer Review

        I presented my case for Practical Homeopathy.

        Four years ago in April, I presented my case at the National Center of Homeopathy for a Practical Homeopathy and Pathology-Specific Homeopathy to a standing-room-only group of more than 500 attendees (mostly practitioners and students of the classical mode.)

        Although I initially expected them to throw tomatoes at me, instead they were encouraged to learn there was a way other than classical that produced consistent results. As a direct result of this, the Drs. Banerji were asked to present on the subject in California a year later.

        Get started today!

        Drug-Free Family with Practical Homeopathy®
        The System™ DIGITAL VERSION -- A Go-To, How-To Directed to Moms, for Moms

        You are about to discover not only why British royalty, American presidents and world leaders like Gandhi and Mother Teresa relied on homeopathy, but more importantly how you can quite effectively do the same.

        This product is only offered in English at this time.

        Benjamin Franklin said something 250 years ago that still rings true today. I believe this quote, and my free infographic, should be on everyone’s refrigerator:

        “If you think knowledge is expensive, try ignorance.”

        You have some choices:

        Are you going to travel down the conventional medical conveyor belt?

        Or, attempt to climb by yourself the alternative medicine paradigm ladder with you and/or your children’s precious health in the balance?

        Or, are you going leap ahead, start using the medicine you have been searching for (the medicine you thought you were getting from your doctor) and take back your God-given right to be the healthcare provider in your family?

        If you have a daughter or son, you instinctively know they may develop food allergies. Are you ready to get on the medical conveyor belt, or the alternative medical gauntlet of expensive supplements? Do you really want to start a rigid, restrictive diet?

        Vision isn’t easy. As a result, many of you will let this opportunity to…

        • Gain confidence
        • Competence
        • Pride

        …slip through your fingers and live to regret it. In this case, I will make it easy for you not to let this one pass you by.

        I am offering a simple, interest-free payment plan and a no-risk, 100% money back guarantee.


        Get started today!

        Drug-Free Family with Practical Homeopathy®
        The System™ DIGITAL VERSION -- A Go-To, How-To Directed to Moms, for Moms

        You are about to discover not only why British royalty, American presidents and world leaders like Gandhi and Mother Teresa relied on homeopathy, but more importantly how you can quite effectively do the same.

        This product is only offered in English at this time.

        Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method of treatment and is beyond all doubt safer and more economical and the most complete medical science.” Mahatma Gandhi

        My offer to you is risk-free.

        Practical Homeopathy will, upon request via [email protected], issue a refund if the request is made within 24 hours of purchase and the title has not been watched for more than 2 hours.

        You can request a refund for nearly any purchase on Practical Homeopathy – for any reason. Maybe you purchased a course by mistake or maybe, after watching an hour of a course video, you felt it was not right for you.

        There are more details but even if you fall outside of the refund rules described here, you can still request a refund, and we’ll take a look.

        Don’t let this chance pass you by and live to regret it.

        Here's what others are saying:

        Lucy has struggled with asthma ever since moving into her recently renovated apartment. Her sensitivities don’t stop at chemicals, as seasonal changes seem to bother her as well as her new roommate’s cat!

        Hoping for an alternative to a life that is tethered to allergy medications, she signed up for this class. Armed with an easy, straightforward protocol, Lucy allowed her roommate to keep the cat, and she also cured the cat’s intolerance to grains!!

        Lucy is amazed at how her springtime has been pleasant, rather than suffering from one miserable sinus infection after another. Way to go Lucy.