Gateway to Homeopathy II
Guided Study
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Gateway to Homeopathy II
A Guided Study Group Curriculum
Building your confidence, competence and knowledge just got a whole lot easier.
If you and your group of friends have already studied Gateway to Practical Homeopathy I Second Edition, or Gateway to Homeopathy I,
and want to learn more…
Gateway to Homeopathy II should be your next easy step!
This 5-week study guide is designed to build on what you learned in the first study guide.
Get started today!

Gateway to Homeopathy II
Please be aware you must purchase Gateway to Practical Homeopathy I in order to purchase Gateway II.
If you have purchased Gateway to Practical Homeopathy I and still dont see the purchase buttons below, please make sure you are logged in.
This product is only offered in English at this time.
The very act of investing in your and your family’s health by continuing your study of homeopathy will be empowering in and of itself.
“Life shouldn’t be measured by the length of your medical troubles, but by your memories, deeds, and adventures instead.”
Why Participate?
Why Participate?
- Learn homeopathic strategies for colds, flu, coughs and hay fever and more in Week 3
Here is the big gain. When you effectively treat these issues homeopathically, you can’t help but feel empowered.
- You will put together an emergency homeopathy plan for your family and learn homeopathy for emergency situations in Week 4
You will feel more prepared and confident in your new ability to handle those emergency situations for your family.
Infections, nosebleeds, body injuries, muscle sprains, burns, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, bites, stings, punctures, concussions, and many more.
- How to use a materia medica and repertory – Week 1
Using the protocols of Practical Homeopathy® can turn you into the effective healer in your family for most common illnesses. Having the skill to effectively use the tools of classical homeopathy will round out your skill set and make you even more effective.
- The 12 cell salts – Week 2
Often called the easy homeopathy. One more tool for your homeopathic medicine chest. By adding this to your homeopathic repertoire, you will be well on your way to genuine health and healing.
- Review the basic laws of homeopathy, the scientific foundation, tips on purchasing and using remedies, potencies, dosages, and how to explain homeopathy to friends and family – Week 3
You’ll want to have this information at your fingertips.
Plus* A FREE BONUS foundational mini-course. This is an entire course in and of itself! Upon registration, you will receive access to my Intro to Homeopathy, a five-part video series that explains the basics of homeopathy. This is the ultimate foundational course, a pre-requisite if you will, for my other courses.
If you are newer to homeopathy, this is the homework that will bring you up to speed before this course starts. If you are experienced, it provides a valuable refresher for some things you may have forgotten or missed.
Never again be uncomfortable with what you have taken on.
Knowledge leads to competence, confidence, and action. Quite likely, your friends and family will start coming to you for advice.
If GWI opened (or simply reopened) your eyes to homeopathy, you’re going to want to follow up with GWII. I promise if you do, you’ll garner skills and knowledge that will help ignite and inspire the healer within you.
Get started today!

Gateway to Homeopathy II
Please be aware you must purchase Gateway to Practical Homeopathy I in order to purchase Gateway II.
If you have purchased Gateway to Practical Homeopathy I and still dont see the purchase buttons below, please make sure you are logged in.
This product is only offered in English at this time.
The very act of investing in your and your family’s health by continuing your study of homeopathy will be empowering in and of itself.
“Life shouldn’t be measured by the length of your medical troubles, but by your memories, deeds, and adventures instead.”
I guarantee you will not be disappointed!
As many of you know, when I was first learning homeopathy, I met with a group of my friends and we studied homeopathy together.
I think this way of learning was foundational for my understanding of this wonderful medicine.
Having this group of women as my support group, with each specializing in their own needs (daughters vs. sons, aging parents, older, younger), I realized what they chose to learn also became a source of knowledge for me when I needed it.
Stop deep diving.
When you need them, your study group friends will be your life line.
“I told them what I had already done and that he was currently getting stitches.
There were only 15 of us in the study group, but the people who happened to be online at the time all kept me company through FB messages so I didn’t feel so alone in the waiting room. They did also give me great advice for what to consider for his care afterwards. Their company and advice was great.”
What you'll Receive
- The Gateway to Homeopathy II Study Guide four highly informative chapters.
- Access to the Gateway to Homeopathy II Student Resource Page.
Valuable snippets from several of Joette’s online courses that will flesh out your weekly study curriculum
An opportunity to meet with Joette for a live Q&A session in week 5. Joette will join your class to clarify any misunderstandings and answer course questions. As there was in Gateway to Homeopathy I, a nominal fee is required for this privilege to account for Joette’s time.
Don’t lose the valuable relationships you created in Gateway I.
Pick up where you left off and continue your journey in the best way possible: with like-minded, supportive friends – each coming to the table with their own unique understanding – and willing to share their experiences.
And remember, there are over 7000 (GWI) of you, so no excuses that you can’t find another group if you want to continue learning this invaluable information.
Why a materia medica
In Week One, you’ll learn how to use a Repertory and materia medica. Many of you have already purchased my materia medica; many of you will want to purchase one for this class.
It is not a prerequisite to own my materia medica – I own 33 different versions myself! Each author shares the knowledge they gained from those who came before them, adding their own twist based on their personal experiences in practice, as well as from where they hail in the world, and what decade or century they did or do practice.
I do urge you to learn your medicines.
I designed my materia medica especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.
I’ve included 155 of the most frequently used homeopathic medicines and their key features.
That is Aconitum napellus to Zincum metallicum and a batch of great medicines in between.
They are all here in one simple, inexpensive collection.
Get started today!

Gateway to Homeopathy II
Please be aware you must purchase Gateway to Practical Homeopathy I in order to purchase Gateway II.
If you have purchased Gateway to Practical Homeopathy I and still dont see the purchase buttons below, please make sure you are logged in.
This product is only offered in English at this time.
The very act of investing in your and your family’s health by continuing your study of homeopathy will be empowering in and of itself.
“Life shouldn’t be measured by the length of your medical troubles, but by your memories, deeds, and adventures instead.”
A Guided Study Group Curriculum
This five-lesson long Curriculum is laid out just as you’d expect, with one chapter to study per week. Each chapter includes:
- Homework assignments
- Learning objectives
- Study material in an easy-to-read, entertaining format
- A discussion guide designed to help group leaders hold thoughtful, informative discussions with their group members
- I Want That: Confident Mothering
- Setting Up a Study Group
- The Goal
- Materials
- Organizing the Group
- Selecting Groups
- Certificate of Completion
- Video Conferencing
- Organizing Meeting Dates
- Optional Q&A
- Group Leader Fee (Optional)
- Food
- Group Leader Role
- Leading Discussions
- The Jigsaw Model
- Prior to the First Meeting
- Sample E-mail
- Action Point Summary
- Homework
- At Your First Meeting
- Let’s Review
- What is Homeopathy?
- Mother Tincture
- Homeopathic Potencies
- Shelf Life of Homeopathic Medicines
- Why Practical Homeopathy®?
- Dispelling the Myths of Homeopathy
- Purchasing Remedies
- Tips on Traveling
- A Time to be Cautious
- Remedy Selection
- Using a Repertory and Materia Medica
- What is a Repertory?
- The Importance of a Materia Medica
- Putting it All Together
- “Sprezzatura”
- Action Point Summary
- Group Discussion Guide
- Homework
- Introduction to the Cell Salts
- What are the Cell Salts?
- The Cell Salts
- Materia Medica of the Cell Salts
- Calc fluor
- Calc phos
- Calc sulph
- Ferrum phos
- Kali mur
- Kali phos
- Kali sulph
- Mag phos
- Nat mur
- Nat phos
- Nat sulph
- Cell Salts and Influenza
- Silica
- Administering Cell Salts
- Bioplasma®
- Pregnancy and Cell Salts
- More Information
- Action Point Summary
- Group Discussion Guide
- Homework
- Colds and Flu
- Suzie’s Case
- Sample Record
- Colds
- Coughs
- Croup
- Fevers
- Influenza
- Posology
- A Virus that Lingers
- Seasonal Allergies
- Additional Remedies
- Action Point Summary
- Group Discussion Guide
- Homework
- Family Emergency Worksheet
- Homeopathy as Emergency Medicine
- Most Important Remedies
- Hepar sulph
- Other Remedies to Have on Hand
- Emergencies
- Nosebleeds
- Body Injury
- Infection
- Muscle Sprains
- Burns
- Heat Stroke
- Heat Exhaustion
- Concussion
- Quick Emergency Reference
- Building a Family Emergency Kit
- Resources for Further Study
- Discounts for Group Purchases
- Group Discount Forms
- Action Point Summary
- Group Discussion Guide
- Homework
- Preparing for the Meeting
- Computer Capabilities
- Appropriate Questions
- Group Preparations
- During the Meeting
- Concluding Study Groups
- Earning Your Certificate
- What’s Next?
- Action Point Summary
- Appendix
- Pathology Index
- Legend for Reading Protocols
- Answer Key
P.S. You can find groups that are forming or advertise a group you would like to start on my Facebook page – Joette’s Study Group: Find Your New Study Group Friends.
Listen to what some of the pilot study students have to say in their own words: