Joette’s Materia Medica
Table of Contents
Joette’s Materia Medica
Practical Homeopathy®
for Busy Families
I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices. It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.
I’ve included 155 of the most frequently used homeopathic medicines and their key features.
That is Aconitum napellus to Zincum metallicum and a batch of great medicines in between.
They are all here in one simple, inexpensive collection.
Why you might want this…
- I have made the confusing simple. That’s because the information about the medicines of homeopathy is vast and voluminous. And for that reason, can be confusing.
- For heaven’s sake, it’s medicine and has been used for 230 years in hospitals and clinics worldwide. My focus is to distill the process of looking up and digesting homeopathic medicines to their simplest parts.
- Just what you’ll need for a lot less. Homeopathic medical books cost well over $100-200. So, you can certainly buy other materia medicas, and if you do, it will only add to your knowledge. But the only reason to own more is if you plan to go into practice.
- And if you’re a student of mine, you’ll appreciate that this daily reference is written in my language. Actually, your language. That is, concise, fast, with language that you’ll be comfortable with.
It’s a perfect companion to my blog articles and GateWay to Homeopathy as well as my courses, so it will make sense to you.
Need more reasons?
If you want a simple, comprehensive, everyday reference, this is what you’re looking for.
And I have added my personal insights and experiences in the hopes freshening and personalizing the subject to make what could otherwise be dry, real and embracing instead.
I think you’re going to want to own this mother’s little helper because it will be a time saver.
Why now? Why this updated new version?
Originally, I had written this materia medica as a companion booklet for my first course, How to Raise a Drug Free Family. But my outreach has since evolved and grown exponentially.
Today, because I offer a vast amount of quality, free information on my blog, podcasts, and social media, I realize that my readers need a quick, distilled reference book.
So if you like homeopathy and:
- You like reading my angle on this beautiful subject, you are going to want to own this
- We’ll box and ship it to you for only $66.91 plus postage
- There is ample room in the borders for you to add notes and personalize it. That’s what I’ve done to mine for years.
Are You Ready To Start?

Are you purchasing GateWay I or II. Go over to my new Learning Center and save postage when you purchase your Gateways and Materia Medica together.

Believe me, when my kids were growing up and I found the remedy that worked – I noted the child, date, and the condition, and referred to it again and again right in the margins of my personal materia medica. So go ahead. Write away in yours!
Our notes on this most intimate of family life will be a treasure forever.
It is also…
- Lightweight—at less than 150 pages, it provides you with the precise keynotes and overview you need in order to acquaint yourself with important remedies—so feel free to toss this gem into your tote or suitcase
- I made sure to have it spiral bound; I know you will flip it completely open when studying your remedy, and
- It has a heavy plastic cover, front and back, that will protect it from inevitable spills your kids make as you search for remedies.
When it’s all marked up with your notes collected throughout the years, pass it on to your kids and grandkids.
- Simple, easy-to-understand descriptions of the most useful remedies. In modern language that you can relate to. Looking up and really understanding different remedies has never been easier!
- My personal insights and experiences are included – the signs that I’ve learned over the years that help me know when to use a particular remedy.
- If you are a fan of my blog articles, then you will appreciate the remedy descriptions in this Materia Medica. I use the same style of personal and practical writing that will help you remember the information that you need; it is fresh and engaging, not dry and academic!
- A price you can afford
Why Homoepathy?

Most importantly, designed with borders to host your cherished notes – making a journal to be treasured for generations.
I think you are going to want this. Just the same as with all my books and courses, there is a 30-day money back guarantee.
My personal money back guarantee.
If after reading through this materia medica, you are not convinced it will be a valuable aid in treating your family with homeopathy for generations, simply contact our offices, and make arrangements to return the book.
Once we have confirmation that the book has been returned in good condition we will issue a FULL refund.
Are You Ready To Start?

Are you purchasing GateWay I or II. Go over to my new Learning Center and save postage when you purchase your Gateways and Materia Medica together.