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        Joette’s Materia Medica

        Table of Contents

        Joette’s Materia Medica

        Practical Homeopathy®
        for Busy Families

        This is my materia medica.

        I designed it especially to provide a framework to guide you through your remedy choices.  It is perfect for busy mothers and others who love curing their families themselves.

        I’ve included 155 of the most frequently used homeopathic medicines and their key features.  

        That is Aconitum napellus to Zincum metallicum and a batch of great medicines in between.

        They are all here in one simple, inexpensive collection.  

        Why you might want this…

        It’s a perfect companion to my blog articles and GateWay to Homeopathy as well as my courses, so it will make sense to you.

        Need more reasons?

        If you want a simple, comprehensive, everyday reference, this is what you’re looking for.

        And I have added my personal insights and experiences in the hopes freshening and personalizing the subject to make what could otherwise be dry, real and embracing instead.

        I think you’re going to want to own this mother’s little helper because it will be a time saver.​

        Why now? Why this updated new version?

        Originally, I had written this materia medica as a companion booklet for my first course,  How to Raise a Drug Free Family. But my outreach has since evolved and grown exponentially.

        Today, because I offer a vast amount of quality, free information on my blog, podcasts, and social media, I realize that my readers need a quick, distilled reference book.

        So if you like homeopathy and:

        Are You Ready To Start?

        Are you purchasing GateWay I or II. Go over to my new Learning Center and save postage when you purchase your Gateways and Materia Medica together.

        Joettes notes

        Believe me, when my kids were growing up and I found the remedy that worked – I noted the child, date, and the condition, and referred to it again and again right in the margins of my personal materia medica. So go ahead. Write away in yours!

        Our notes on this most intimate of family life will be a treasure forever.

        It is also…

        When it’s all marked up with your notes collected throughout the years, pass it on to your kids and grandkids.

        Why Homoepathy?

        Most importantly, designed with borders to host your cherished notes  – making a journal to be treasured for generations.

        I think you are going to want this. Just the same as with all my books and courses, there is a 30-day money back guarantee.

        My personal money back guarantee.


        If after reading through this materia medica, you are not convinced it will be a valuable aid in treating your family with homeopathy for generations, simply contact our offices, and make arrangements to return the book.  

        Once we have confirmation that the book has been returned in good condition we will issue a FULL refund. 

        Are You Ready To Start?

        Are you purchasing GateWay I or II. Go over to my new Learning Center and save postage when you purchase your Gateways and Materia Medica together.

        Lucy has struggled with asthma ever since moving into her recently renovated apartment. Her sensitivities don’t stop at chemicals, as seasonal changes seem to bother her as well as her new roommate’s cat!

        Hoping for an alternative to a life that is tethered to allergy medications, she signed up for this class. Armed with an easy, straightforward protocol, Lucy allowed her roommate to keep the cat, and she also cured the cat’s intolerance to grains!!

        Lucy is amazed at how her springtime has been pleasant, rather than suffering from one miserable sinus infection after another. Way to go Lucy.