Mighty Members – Monthly

$9.00 / month

Yes Joette! I’d like to activate my membership as a monthly member for $9.00 (USD) today, then $9.00 (USD) every 30 days as long as I remain a member.  I understand that I can cancel my membership anytime.

The Terms & Conditions of Joette’s Mighty Membership and usage of JoetteCalabrese.com. By purchasing the above product, I authorize Practical Homeopathy Inc. ( Peppina Publishing LLC ) to continue my Monthly Membership to JoettesMightyMembers.com ($9.00) automatically, charged monthly, to the payment method provided until and unless I cancel my membership.


Private Group that gets Daily Tips from Joette and access to a private forum.


Membership includes:

  • Daily inspirational homeopathic quote to start your day.
  • Private forum – Chat with other members more safely. Not Facebook or any other Social Media site hosted on my own private server.
  • Impromptu short videos, called Joette’s Musings – a bit of learning and a bit of inspiration.
  • Weekly memos from Joette.
  • Remedy Card Booklets:Download immediately from the Membership site
  • and more…


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        Lucy has struggled with asthma ever since moving into her recently renovated apartment. Her sensitivities don’t stop at chemicals, as seasonal changes seem to bother her as well as her new roommate’s cat!

        Hoping for an alternative to a life that is tethered to allergy medications, she signed up for this class. Armed with an easy, straightforward protocol, Lucy allowed her roommate to keep the cat, and she also cured the cat’s intolerance to grains!!

        Lucy is amazed at how her springtime has been pleasant, rather than suffering from one miserable sinus infection after another. Way to go Lucy.