Secret Spoonfuls Confessions of a Sneaky Mom™ CD with my Award Winning Booklet


This is my easy-to-follow program for learning how to use the 12 homeopathic Cell Salts at home.
This is a digital download of my original 2 CD (audio file) package.
Digital downloads think Driving Academy – listen to Joette while in the car driving your kids around.

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        Lucy has struggled with asthma ever since moving into her recently renovated apartment. Her sensitivities don’t stop at chemicals, as seasonal changes seem to bother her as well as her new roommate’s cat!

        Hoping for an alternative to a life that is tethered to allergy medications, she signed up for this class. Armed with an easy, straightforward protocol, Lucy allowed her roommate to keep the cat, and she also cured the cat’s intolerance to grains!!

        Lucy is amazed at how her springtime has been pleasant, rather than suffering from one miserable sinus infection after another. Way to go Lucy.