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        Table of Contents

        Use These Proven Protocols, Achieve Efficacious, Reproducible Results, and Grow Your Homeopathic Competence and Confidence Starting Today.

        “Three skin conditions were in the top 10 most prevalent diseases worldwide in 2010. Collectively, skin conditions ranged from the second to eleventh leading cause of years of non-fatal disease burden.”

        Based on these statistics, skin problems could likely affect one or more members of your family at one time or another in the future.

        In this course – everything is done for you. Practical, Proven Protocols

        Scroll down the page for a Sneak Peek of the course.

        My Story

        Hello fellow Moms and Dads, Many of you already know me. I’m Joette Calabrese, and I’m a homeopathic consultant, lecturer, and author. I’m also a Weston A. Price Foundation Honorary Board member, and author of the column in Wise Traditions called “The Homeopathy Journal.”

        Most importantly, I’m a mom who has raised her three boys to adulthood using only homeopathy and pig-headed determination.

        Believe me when I say this course is for you.

        Even if you know a lot of homeopathy;
        Even if you know very little homeopathy;
        And particularly if you’ve struggled with homeopathy in the past…


        “Competence and integrity…these are words that best describe Joette Calabrese as a classical homeopathic practitioner and educator.”
        – Dr. A. U. Ramakrishnan

        “Skin, the Ugly Truth: Learn Safe, Effective Treatment of Skin Ailments, Chronic or Acute, with Homeopathy”

        I often refer to managing illness with modern medicine as the medical conveyor belt.

        For me personally, it meant having prednisone smeared all over my body as a young child, being wrapped tightly in gauze, and gloves placed on my little hands), the obligatory 16 shots twice a month and removal of all happiness from my diet.

        When I was sick, my parents spent too much precious family time and money searching for a cure.

        Homeopathy does not simply treat the ailment; it can uproot the condition entirely.

        Prednisone smears, drastic restrictive diets, and monthly regimes of many shots were a drain on their limited financial resources and offered fleeting relief.

        Homeopathic remedies cost about as much as a gourmet ice cream cone while their benefits last for generations.

        This course offers the efficacious, safe, alternative solution.

        It is no longer necessary to undertake literal years of classroom study and countless hours of clinical practice for you to master a health strategy that is both safe and effective at treating CHRONIC and ACUTE SKIN AILMENTS.

        To your classical homeopath, I know this sounds blasphemous… read on and allow me to explain.

        Today, I am swinging open the doors to reveal a proven system I have used in raising my kids by figuratively taking your hand in mine to show you my methods and answer your questions.

        My problems solved are likely the same as your problems still waiting for the right solution.

        I have already told you how I raised my children with homeopathy and pig-headed determination.

        But I have never told the story of my own childhood horrors.

        My Story Continued

        Sixty-six years ago, I was born into the world with devastating eczema. Well, not exactly. I was actually 6-weeks-old when it presented (not coincidently) a few weeks after my first vaccine. My mother pointed this out to the pediatrician. “My dear, where did you get YOUR medical degree?” the doctor retorted, putting Mom in her place. Some things never change. My mother was 24-years-old at that time, but now in her late eighties, in spite of the decades between then and now, she still recalls his arrogance. So, I was blanketed in eczema. “No more whole milk, only skim…in fact, no dairy.” “No more orange juice…that means no citrus at all.” “No pets allowed in the house.” “No dust, either.” “Take away the wool blankets.” “Oh, and the feather pillows, too.” And, and, and… This is the way the doctors handled my newly formed, vaccine-induced allergies that made my skin super itchy, swollen, cracking, inflamed, and downright painful. The doctor also came up with the following: “Smear this prednisone all over her skin, wrap her arms and legs in gauze (really tight), and put mittens on her hands so she can’t scratch.” His self-perceived genius was astounding. Later, when I was a little older, I was given shots. Sixteen shots every two weeks for what seemed like years. This made me angry, scared, and did nothing for the eczema. It also made me suspicious of doctors, their nostrums, their techniques, and their empty promises. Even as a little girl, I grew skeptical and weary, but something else was brewing as well. I knew deep down there must be a better way. I believed there must be a medicine that would cure this curse. One day when I was getting my obligatory allergy shots (they always seemed excruciatingly painful to me as a child), the big window was open in my torture chamber, and I was, as usual, screaming my lungs out. Across the street was the Buffalo Homeopathic Hospital. It was a mere 50 yards away. I didn’t know it then, but had that hospital not been closed only a few years earlier, as a result of a smear campaign designed by the AMA to rid itself of the competition, my mother might have taken me there instead. I might have been spared those brutal years of archaic methods and would not be telling this story now, some half a century later. So the eczema remained fierce and all-consuming. My parents tried everything. So did I. I recall bartering with God. “God,” I said, “If you take away this bad skin, I pledge I’ll never disobey my parents again.” Because the eczema only raged on, I disobeyed regularly. I concealed chocolate bars in my closet and drank whole milk on the sly, and when I was feeling particularly naughty, I accompanied it with oranges. I wore wool when my mother wasn’t looking. It drove my skin and my mother crazy, but I just wanted a regular life like other kids. And so I had ugly, itchy skin until I entered puberty. Then it all changed. As a direct result of applying prednisone for years, instead of being free of eczema, I developed food intolerances and breathing problems that lasted decades, just as one doctor had predicted. The doctors offered more of their ideas until one day, my mother said, “Basta!” which in Italian means, “Enough!” The doctor didn’t understand it, even though she also said it to him in English, but we did and that was the end of allergy doctors, pediatricians, and the big window in my allergy-shot torture chamber. To say my journey has been a long one would be shortcutting decades of searching.

        Today, I work with little children who are tormented just as I was. With food avoidance “techniques,” allergy shots, ointments of questionable safety, and superfluous multiple vaccines. But it’s different now.

        After half a century, I now get my retribution. Instead of kowtowing to the medical establishment, I teach families how to say “Basta!” to the methods that have not changed in more than 60 years.

        Instead, I teach families how to uproot skin issues and get off the medical conveyor belt of stupid (childlike word choices sometimes seep out when I recall this story) methods not even worthy of being called medical.

        Let me teach you about homeopathy. The medicine I knew had to exist all along. The medicine that would have healed me had that hospital still been open back in 1959.

        I could go on but you get the point. I was a sick little girl, and I have been fighting my entire adult life to correct all the ills that the medical profession loaded on me during those precious, formative childhood years.

        Your past need not control your future.
        Want to avoid the medical conveyor belt?

        Get started today!

        Skin, the Ugly Truth
        Safe, Effective Treatment of SKin Ailments, Chronic or Acute,
        with Practical Homeopathy®

        This product is only offered in English at this time.

        I can teach you how to treat your families’ chronic conditions now better than I could as a student of homeopathy for more than 32 years!

        Teaching families has been my mission from day one, but oh how frustrating it was when I always had to put my hand up and explain that this or that was outside the ability of a family to treat because it was a chronic condition.

        The final pieces came together for me while I was in Kolkata, India, working at the Dr. Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation.

        Throughout my five fellowships over a total of 60 plus weeks, I sat next to the Drs. Banerji, observing and recording 10,254 cases.

        After a long day in the clinic shared with Dr. Prasanta and his son, Dr. Pratip Banerji, I would travel to the inner-city to visit the free evening clinic, and for 3-4 hours every night, I cataloged practically every disease known in the free world.

        I loved every single moment of this remarkable training, and now you get to reap the benefits.

        Banerji Protocol vs. Classical Homeopathy


        Download the Skin Infographic today!

        Skin Infographic

        “Skin, the Ugly Truth: Learn Safe, Effective Treatment of Skin Ailments, Chronic or Acute, with Homeopathy”

        Why skin, you ask?

        Well that is a very good question. And I can answer it this way:

        The skin is the largest organ in the human body. It is also a terrific barometer of our health.

        When faced with skin problems, such as acne, hives or eczema, our first thought is to make the problem go away as quickly as possible.

        But that strategy can cause more trouble than it treats.

        Skin problems are often a symptom of something more. Indeed, they may be the first step in the body’s attempt to drive something from the inside (vital organs) to the outside (skin).

        Just like what happened to me, when we suppress this attempt with antibiotics, over-the-counter drugs and steroid creams, the illness can be driven deeper into the body, only to reappear later as a more serious problem.

        Most diseases are processed through the skin from one organ within the body. In other words, the skin is the representation of illness or a condition on a deeper level.

        Still not convinced you should know this stuff?

        I can say this with confidence, personal experience, and observation as a practitioner.

        And unlike dermatology, homeopathy is the only medicine that uproots the condition instead of just treating the symptoms.

        And may I remind you that treating a symptom is the direct opposite of the goal of genuine health.

        Hence, the skin in all its beauty and (sometimes) all of its ugliness represents what lurks beneath.

        What will you learn if you join those already committed?

        I have made the complex simple, the methods learnable today, the solutions practical.

        The Seven Deadly Skins

        Course Syllabus

        I promise:
        You will learn groundbreaking information in the world of homeopathy…state-of-the-art protocols… because as far as I know, I’m the only person teaching these protocols in the Western World.
        (Thanks to the Banerjis for their generosity in teaching me.)

        You will be the relevant mom in your adult families lives or the successful healer to your young family and friends.

        Imagine knowing how to treat your teen’s acne, your toddler’s eczema or your husband’s warts.

        “My daughter is 21 and has had acne since 14. She had worked with a classical homeopath but did not get very good results. GAPS helped a little. We read your article “Pippa and Pimples” and she did that protocol. I am happy, no ecstatic, to report that it has cleared her face!!!
        We tell everyone about it!!!”
        (This is a comment that appeared on my blog submitted by user Gay, 10/06/2014.)

        Get started today!

        Skin, the Ugly Truth
        Safe, Effective Treatment of SKin Ailments, Chronic or Acute,
        with Practical Homeopathy®

        This product is only offered in English at this time.

        This is where the study of homeopathy offers one of its greatest gifts. It squarely places the ability to cure where it belongs…in the hands of the family…your family.

        What comes with the course?

        And just like all my other courses:

        You know instinctively if you have a daughter or son they likely will be afflicted with acne. Are you going to go down that dangerous medical conveyor belt?

        Do you want to be confident and able to treat your family when they overindulge on that first summer day and get a sunburn?

        These are just two examples of the 20-30 skin ailments we’ll cover.

        Be ready!

        Vision isn’t easy. As a result many of you will let this opportunity pass through your fingers.…

        Get started today!

        Skin, the Ugly Truth
        Safe, Effective Treatment of SKin Ailments, Chronic or Acute,
        with Practical Homeopathy®

        This product is only offered in English at this time.

        A Bonus for Those New to Homeopathy

        Remember when I said at the beginning that this course is for you, even if you know very little about homeopathy?

        Here’s why: I am including a 5-part, pre-recorded PowerPoint presentation entitled: Intro To Homeopathy and Banerji Approach to Homeopathy.

        Once you are enrolled in the course, you will be provided a link to a special page where you will be able to watch the presentation as many times as you wish.

        Each student who watches these five 10-20 minute presentations will come away with a better understanding of the theory and history of homeopathy.

        Now, no worries. You will have a better grasp of homeopathy so that you can begin this course and hit the ground running.

        My offer to you is risk-free.

        My offer to you is risk free. Join the class and watch the first webinar. Then try and convince yourself to stop. If you don’t find, as one of my students put it, “awesome stuff – I can’t believe how much this has helped my husband!” (Donna Jamison), then simply email us (within 24 hours of purchase) that you wish to leave the group. We will cancel your privileges and refund 100% of your paid tuition


        There are more details but even if you fall outside of the refund rules described here, you can still request a refund, and we’ll take a look.

        Don’t let this chance pass you by and live to regret it.

        If you believe in homeopathy, if you dislike the allopathic option, if intuitively you are simply looking for another way…

        This is the time.

        This is the moment.

        You will not find this material anywhere else. (Unless you can get a fellowship and want to travel to India.)

        Join me.



        What Others are saying

        Lucy has struggled with asthma ever since moving into her recently renovated apartment. Her sensitivities don’t stop at chemicals, as seasonal changes seem to bother her as well as her new roommate’s cat!

        Hoping for an alternative to a life that is tethered to allergy medications, she signed up for this class. Armed with an easy, straightforward protocol, Lucy allowed her roommate to keep the cat, and she also cured the cat’s intolerance to grains!!

        Lucy is amazed at how her springtime has been pleasant, rather than suffering from one miserable sinus infection after another. Way to go Lucy.