Allergic Course
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Table of Contents
Escape Allergies, Chemical Sensitivities,
Food Intolerances and More with Homeopathy:
Practical Protocols to Get Your Life Back
Achieve efficacious reproducible results and grow your homeopathic competence and confidence — starting today — by using these proven protocols.
60 million people suffer from allergies in the United States causing:
Sneezing, sniffling, coughing, itching …
Runny nose, stuffy nose; watery, red, swollen eyes …
Asthma, eczema, colic, chronic stomachache …
Diminishing quality of life …
It doesn’t have to be that way.
Finally! In this course, everything is done for you. Learn practical, proven protocols and use them with confidence.
Whether you know a lot of homeopathy,
Whether you know very little homeopathy,
Or particularly, if you’ve struggled with homeopathy in the past …
I often refer to managing illness with modern medicine as the “medical conveyor belt.” With allergies, that conveyor belt often includes (in ascending order) decongestants, antihistamines, antibiotics, steroid inhalers, bronchodilators, mast cell stabilizers and leukotriene modifiers. This course offers an efficacious, safe, alternative solution.
When I was sick, I spent too much precious family time searching for a cure. Homeopathy does not simply treat the ailment; it can uproot the condition entirely.
Biofeedback, synthetic supplements, drastic restrictive diets and parasitic cleansings were a drain on our limited financial resources and only offered fleeting relief. Homeopathic remedies cost about as much as a gourmet ice cream cone, while their benefits last for generations.
Homeopathy is right for you.
I know … because decades ago, I was where you are.
My name is Joette Calabrese, and I’m a homeopathic consultant, lecturer, author and educator.
If you are hungry to learn a safe, inexpensive way to uproot your or your
family’s allergies, take a deep breath and relax… you are right where you should be.
I know because I was there 30 years ago.
My story
Hi, fellow Moms, Dads and other caregivers,
Many of you already know me. I’m Joette Calabrese, and I’m a homeopathic consultant, lecturer, author and educator.
I’m also a Weston A. Price Foundation Honorary Board member and the author of the “The Homeopathy Journal” column in Wise Traditions.
Yes, it’s true. It is no longer necessary to undertake years of classroom study and countless hours of clinical practice for you to master a health strategy that is both safe and effective in treating ACUTE and CHRONIC ALLERGIES.
Today I am swinging open the doors to reveal a proven system I have used in raising my kids. I will figuratively take your hand in mine to show you my methods and answer your questions.
The problems I have solved for my family are likely the same as your problems that are still awaiting the right solution.
I lived decades of my life dealing with food intolerances, allergies and chemical sensitivities. These allergies affected the three areas that most often present as problems for allergy sufferers: the skin, the gut and the respiratory system.
History of cure
Finding a solution to my problems has been a lifelong pursuit, but you don’t have to make it your pursuit anymore.
I did just like everyone else. I started with conventional medicine (which, to be honest, is what caused my problems in the first place). I subjected myself to all the superfluous shots and obligatory tests.
When I finally gave up on that, I moved to the next alternative, naturopathy. This included lots of supplements and vitamin therapy, which I then followed up with extreme dieting. I tried veganism, macrobiotic eating and every other natural method I could find.
There is no doubt that some of those methods helped here and there, but what remained was what I like to call the niggly 40%. My allergies improved when I stopped the drugs and changed my diet, but I was not cured.
So, I kept searching until I inadvertently stumbled across something that changed my life forever.
That something was homeopathy.
For everyone who comes to me as a student or client, the story is the same: too much of their time had already been wasted on conventional medicine, naturopathy and extreme diets before they finally found the one medicine that should have been used from the beginning.
You may be asking yourself:
“Why should I take this course?”
The obvious reasons are that we’ve traded mild allergies for more chronic conditions, such as:
- Sniffles when the pollen count is high for chronic asthma
- Little patches of eczema for blanketing eczema
- A couple of pimples before menses for chronic acne
The less obvious outcomes of mistreating mild allergies can be:
- Delayed milestones
- Moodiness
- Food intolerances
- Sugar addictions
- Chronic fatigue
- Constipation and diarrhea
- Chronic bloating
Need more reasons?
- Americans have lost more than six million work and school days and made 16 million visits to their doctor. Food allergies alone cost about $25 billion each year.
- The average homeopathic remedy costs $9 and could contain enough medicine to uproot your entire family from a chronic allergy.
- 60 million people suffer from allergies in the United States.
- Allergic conditions are the most common health issues affecting children in the U.S.
- People visit the emergency room about 200,000 times each year because of food allergies.
- The most common triggers for anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction, are medicines, food and insect stings.
- Pharmaceuticals cause the most allergy-related deaths.
Side effects from Allergy medications
The following side effects are frequently associated with allergy medicine: | |
• An increase in the thickness of lung secretions | Less Severe |
• Drowsiness | Less Severe |
Infrequent side effects of allergy medicine: | |
• Blood disorder | Severe |
• Extra heartbeat | Severe |
• Hallucination | Severe |
• Seizures | Severe |
• Blurred vision | Less Severe |
• Inability to empty bladder | Less Severe |
• Chronic insomnia & trouble sleeping | Less Severe |
• Confusion | Less Severe |
• Diarrhea | Less Severe |
• Difficult or painful urination | Less Severe |
• Dizziness | Less Severe |
• Dry mouth | Less Severe |
• Dryness of the nose | Less Severe |
• Easily angered or annoyed | Less Severe |
• Excessive sweating | Less Severe |
• Fast heartbeat | Less Severe |
• Head pain | Less Severe |
• Heart throbbing or pounding | Less Severe |
• Hives | Less Severe |
• Involuntary quivering | Less Severe |
• Itching | Less Severe |
• Loss of appetite | Less Severe |
• Nervous | Less Severe |
• Nightmares | Less Severe |
• Overexcitement | Less Severe |
• Problems with eyesight | Less Severe |
• Rash | Less Severe |
• Ringing in the ears | Less Severe |
• Vertigo (sensation of spinning or whirling) | Less Severe |
• Stomach cramps | Less Severe |
• Sun-sensitive skin | Less Severe |
• Throat dryness | Less Severe |
Are you ready to start?

(This product is only offered in English at this time.)
Jump in and start watching and start treating your families’ allergies with homeopathy!
Your Takeaway
“I have finished two of the remedies (Sanguinaria 200 mixed with Belldonna 3 and Ambrosia 30). Still taking Calc carb 30, 1 Dose every day as suggested. My allergies seem to be under control. You continue to be in my prayers. Thanks.”
— Jake
Wichita, Kansas
What comes with the course?
- Five pre-recorded PowerPoint webinars with over 14 hours of my valuable teaching including 19 real cases as teaching tools!
- A sixth bonus Q&A class, recently recorded.
- Over 150+ homeopathic protocols.
- Private website access with all the course material and recorded video presentations available on-demand — anytime day or night — for instant review. Study at your own pace at your own convenience.
- A time stamp index by illness. Search the videos quickly for the solution to a condition.
- Printable copies of the PowerPoint slides so you can keep your notes right with the slides.
- Access to my private Social Center for robust discussions with fellow students of the Allergic?! course and students of my other online courses. This group is actively monitored by my team and access to it is limited to students who have completed any of my courses. Discuss homeopathy without fear of spam or advertising, with only students of my courses.**
- Three easy, interest-free payment plans available.
- 100% money-back guarantee (details below).
Why homeopathy?
We’ve all done it:
- Purchased the newest “fad diet” book.
- Watched hours of interviews from “leaders” in the alternative health field.
- Bought a "starter-kit" of essential oils, complete with a beginner's learning guide.
- Invested in a number of herbs with the hope of understanding how to properly use them, only to have the bottles grow dusty on the back shelf while the books get lost, never to be seen (or read) again.
Homeopathy is a centuries-old medical paradigm. Are you aware of any other alternative medical standard that has been researched, followed and utilized for over 200 years?
Worldwide use of homeopathy is growing at a rate of 25%, except in one country — the United States. (But that’s a whole story in and of itself.)
Homeopathic Remedies are Safe, Effective Medicine.
It is easy to find examples of Homeopathy being used:
- My own local children’s hospital routinely gives Arnica to emergency room patients. Imagine!
- For many years, plastic surgeons have been using Arnica under the name SinEcch™ to control swelling.
Are you afraid of the side effects of drugs? Are you tired of wasting money on ineffective supplements? Are you exhausted and stressed from trying to find the best alternative solution? Do you rightfully suspect you are one of the 60 million suffering from an illness related to allergies? Then, you and I have something in common.
I tried all these things and experienced all of the same frustrations until I found homeopathy — more specifically, the Banerji Protocols®, which allowed me to truly break through that wall of frustration.
In this course, I will teach you the methods that made such a difference in my life and the lives of my family, my clients and my friends. I’ll also provide you with the ability to make a profound difference in your life.
I can teach you!
I know the way to make the complex simple, the methods learnable, and the solutions practical.
After almost four decades of devotion to the WAPF methods, 60 weeks working side-by-side with the doctors at the world-famous Banerji Clinic in Kolkata, India, and almost 40 years of clinical experience related to gut, diet and psychology, I have cracked the case.
I will teach you Practical Homeopathy®.
To your classical homeopath, this will sound blasphemous. But please, read on and let me explain.
I have been where you are now. I’ve dieted, utilized supplements, essential oils and herbs, but nothing — nothing — has ever come close to the reproducible, safe, and effective results both my clients and I have achieved with homeopathy.
Teaching families has been my mission from day one. But oh, how frustrating it was when I always had to put my hand up and explain that chronic conditions were outside the ability of a family to treat themselves.
The final pieces came together for me while I was in India working at the Banerji Clinic in Kolkata.
I spent a cumulative year and a half in Kolkata, India, over eight years. Throughout my many fellowships, I sat next to the Drs. Prasanta and Pratip Banerji, observing and recording over 10,250 cases.
After a long day in the clinic shared with the Drs. Banerji, I would travel to the inner city to visit the free night clinic. For 3-4 hours every evening, I cataloged practically every disease known in the free world. I observed and recorded as many as 100 cases per day.
I loved every single moment of this remarkable training, and now you get to reap the benefits.
Banerji Protocols® vs. classical homeopathy
Banerji Protocol vs. Classical Homeopathy
I won't be surprised if you’re confused; it took me decades to sort out the classical method versus others. I began my training in classical homeopathy more than 27 years ago, and was lucky enough to have studied with the best. Feel free to check out who my teachers were in the “About Joette” section of my website.
I diligently (and I mean diligently) worked in the classical mode, both in full-time practice and in teaching, until about 8 years ago when my frustration level began to peak.
My hands were consistently tied. Nonetheless, I persevered, attended more classes in distant cities, studied more from the Organon, Kent, etc., and yet, there were too many cases that could not be touched.
Meanwhile, I studied with Dr. Ramakrishnan from India, who was an MD and classical homeopath who taught us his little professional tricks and practical strategies of using pathology-specific remedies, all the while apologizing for stepping outside of classical.
FINALLY! Someone honest enough to admit that we needed pathology-specific methods that produced reproducible results! How can we consider homeopathy a viable and scientific method if 5 homeopaths come up with 5 different remedies?
I began using his pathology-specific protocols, guiltily purchased Indian books of the same ilk, and saw better and consistent results. Then I was offered multiple fellowships from 2013-2017 for a total of more than 60 weeks of study in Kolkata, India. I observed and recorded as many as 100 cases per day.
There are 10 homeopaths in the clinic, and each sees 100 cases per day. That’s 6,000 cases per week, all recorded in a computer database that’s irrefutable! I believe it is the busiest medical clinic in the world, and it has been this way for 50 years. And although they are all medical doctors, they use homeopathy only.
But the Banerjis can trace their homeopathic lineage back 150 years.
Dr. Prasanta Banerji, was introduced to the science of homeopathy by his father, and his father by his uncle, and he by one of the original German missionaries, many of who were students of Hahnemann ( the father of homeopathy) and all classically trained homeopaths. Can you image the knowledge passed down from generation to generation?
Sadly Dr. Prasanta Banerji passed away in May of 2018, and his son Dr. Pratip Banerji passed this last January 2021.
The loss for the entire world is immeasurable.
Four generations of homeopathic knowledge, treating masses of patients, and generating databanks full of clinical results stored and classified via scientific data collection under international standards became the incubator that allowed the Banerjis to modify and distill 150 years of classical homeopathic practice into a “concrete treatment form bringing lucidity and user friendliness in homeopathy.”
Can any classical homeopath show consistent results and data that come close to these numbers? In classical, we’re lucky to be able to take 8 cases per day!
Remember: 5 homeopaths might still come up with 5 different remedies.
Several years ago in April, I presented my case for moving from classical to pathology-specific to the National Center of Homeopathy to a standing-room-only group of more than 500 attendees (mostly practitioners and students of the classical mode) and although I expected them to throw tomatoes at me, they were instead encouraged to learn there was a way other than classical that produced consistent results.
As a direct result of this, the Drs. Banerji were asked to present on this very subject.
No problem for them, as they speak in the world of cancer research at the finest research facilities in the USA, including:
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
National Institute of Health – Washington, DC
St. Luke’s Hospital – Kansas, MO
National Cancer Institute
Columbia University
University of Southern California
University of San Diego
City of Hope Hospital in Los Angeles
University of Kansas Medical Center
The V.A. Medical Center in Kansas City

Download the Allergic?! infographic today!
Peer review
I presented my case for Practical Homeopathy®.
Years ago, I presented my case for a Practical Homeopathy and pathology-specific homeopathy to a standing-room-only group of more than 500 attendees (mostly practitioners and students of the classical mode) at the National Center of Homeopathy.
Although I initially expected them to throw tomatoes at me, they were instead encouraged to learn that there was another way — other than classical — that produced consistent, reproducible results. As a direct result of my talk, the Drs. Banerji were asked to present their expertise on the subject in California a year later.
Are you ready to start?

(This product is only offered in English at this time.)
Jump in and start watching and start treating your families’ allergies with homeopathy!
What's in it for you?
You will learn clear, easy-to-follow protocols that teach you how to treat allergies both as acute and chronic conditions. Plus:
- Where to find the correct remedies
- How to receive a student discount on purchases of remedies
“The rate of food allergies has more than doubled over the past decade, and there are now an estimated 5.9 million children in the United States with food allergies (along with another 2.3 million adults); to put it another way, in every classroom, roughly 1 in 13 children will have a food allergy. That number may rise in the future, as food allergies are now even more prevalent in children between 3 and 5 years old — nearly 1 in 10 preschoolers — and it seems as if children aren’t growing out of their allergies at the rate they did before. In our children’s (nut free) nursery school, their EpiPen packs are on a shelf with five others — the first time their teacher has seen that many in her long career.”
I promise you — and my clients and students will tell you —
you will benefit from joining,
as I’m the only person teaching
these protocols in the Western World.
Imagine knowing exactly how to treat your teen’s stomachache, your toddler’s sniffles or your aunt’s eczema.
This is where the study of homeopathy offers one of its greatest gifts. It squarely places the ability to cure where it belongs … in the hands of the family.
Potential reasons you think you should not take this course
She is right; it is not classical. I will not cast aspersions on classical homeopaths. However, I will tell you that if you want to take control of your own health and the health of your children by becoming the healer in your home using efficacious, reproducible, simple practical protocols — Practical Homeopathy® is the only way!
This is the medicine you thought you were getting from your family doctor. I raised my three boys to adulthood with only homeopathy and pig-headed determination.
All study materials will be available 24/7 for you to study from the comfort of your living room on your time.
Yes, the initial purchase may be a financial stretch for some. However, with the protocols in hand, your lifetime savings in co-pays will pay for the course, and the lifetime savings to your health will prove invaluable.
I understand this might not be your time. The clients whom I consult with are special because they share a common character trait. They have suffered long, “tried everything,” been frustrated with only small successes and land at my door with no other alternative left to try. Here is your opportunity to go at your speed and have these resources forever in your hands.
Benjamin Franklin said something over 250 years ago that still rings true today. I believe his quote, and my free infographic, should be on everyone’s refrigerator:
“If you think knowledge is expensive, try ignorance.”
You have some choices
Are you going to travel down the conventional medical conveyor belt?
Or — by yourself — will you attempt to climb the alternative medicine paradigm ladder with you and/or your children’s precious health in the balance?
Or are you going leap ahead and start using the medicine you have been searching for (the medicine you thought you were getting from your doctor). Are you going to take back your God-given right to be the health care provider in your family?
If you have a daughter or son, you instinctively know they may develop food allergies. Are you ready to put them on the medical conveyor belt or the alternative medical gauntlet of expensive supplements? Do you really want to start a rigid, restrictive diet?
Vision isn’t easy. As a result, many of you will let this opportunity to gain …
- Confidence
- Competence
- Pride
… slip through your fingers and live to regret it. In this case, I will make it easy for you to not to let this chance pass you by.
I am offering a simple, interest-free payment plan and a no-risk, 100% money-back guarantee.
Are you ready to start?

(This product is only offered in English at this time.)
Jump in and start watching and start treating your families’ allergies with homeopathy!
A final comment to all my alumni
This is the course that will tie all of my other courses together:
Good Gut, Bad Gut, Skin: The Ugly Truth, and Feminopathy.
This is the finishing touch.
If you haven’t taken any of these courses, this is where you should start.
This is the big picture.
Allergies are very common. At least one in five people suffer from them.
Many are mild and may go away without treatment.
For the rest of us, this course will teach you:
- Why you should be very concerned if you are following the conventional medical paradigm
- What you need to do to turn it all around and uproot those conditions with homeopathy once and for all
Counting on Modern Medicine?
“There is no cure for allergies. You can manage allergies with prevention and treatment. More Americans than ever say they suffer from allergies. It is among the country’s most common, but overlooked, diseases.”

My offer to you is risk-free.
There are more details but even if you fall outside of the refund rules described here, you can still request a refund. We’ll take a look.
Don’t let this chance pass you by and live to regret it.
A Bonus for Those New to Homeopathy
Remember when I said at the beginning that this course is for you, even if you know very little about homeopathy?
Here’s why.
I am including a 5-part, pre-recorded PowerPoint presentation entitled: Intro To Homeopathy and Banerji Approach to Homeopathy.
Once you are enrolled in the course, you will be provided a link to a special page where you will be able to watch the presentation as many times as you wish.
Each student who watches these five 10-20 minute presentations will come away with a better understanding of the theory and history of homeopathy.
Now, you will have a better grasp of homeopathy so that you can begin this course with confidence and hit the ground running.
Don’t wait until tomorrow. Things waiting to be done tomorrow are frequently not done at all.
Now … while this letter is before you, simply click this link. Just pay the first installment now, and we’ll bill your credit card for the rest in two interest-free payments made 30 days apart over the next 60 days.
The savings in medical co-pays could pay for the entire course, and the health gains for you and your family are priceless.
If you believe in homeopathy, if you dislike the allopathic option, if intuitively, you are simply looking for another way …this is the time.
This is the moment.
You will not find this material anywhere else. (Unless you can get a fellowship and travel to India!)
Please join me and let me guide you on this journey toward optimal health.