Shock, Emotion and Keeping Your Wits About You

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When prepping myself and my family, I like to envision “what if” scenarios. I find it to be the best way to determine what I will need to have on hand if and when disaster strikes.

Many of these “what ifs” I imagine lead to some kind of tragedy, and each of these tragedies lead me to understand one thing: No matter what happens, I am going to need my wits about me as the caretaker of my family.

The question is: how am I to achieve this if I myself am suffering from post-traumatic stress or shock? The answer is Ignatia.

Ignatia is the #1 homeopathic remedy of choice when dealing with numerous emotional problems that may, and most likely will, occur during a major disaster.

Here is a short list of emotional ailments that, for over 200 years, have been resolved by Ignatia:

  • Grief (even long term)
  • Emotional shock; old or new
  • Acute Stress Reaction
  • Certain kinds of anxiety or panic attacks
  • Persistent feelings of regret
  • Mental or physical exhaustion
  • Worry
  • Homesickness
  • Emotional or physical breakdown after prolonged stress
  • PTSD

This is why it’s such an important remedy for your family’s bug-out bag. Remember; if you, or anyone else in your group, is suffering from emotional stress, it is going to be that much harder to set up your defenses for other areas that will need to be addressed.

Formerly referred to as “shell shock”, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is characterized by stress reactions that persist long after the danger of a traumatic experience has passed.

These stress reactions can take many forms, including both physical and mental symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks, hyper-vigilance or jumpiness (exaggerated startle reflex), insomnia, depression, anger, emotional numbness, racing heart, difficulty concentrating, headaches or stomachaches, etc.

It is not uncommon among those who have endured great tragedy and loss to experience deep remorse and self-blame after a perceived failure to protect or save others from harm, or among those who experience “survivor’s guilt” after a major disaster.

The commanding emotions of fear, grief, worry, and regret are all prominent in the remedy picture of Ignatia, and the picture includes all the many branches of symptoms that have these four emotions at their core.

One of the suggested doses for using Ignatia 200 is two times per day for several days, if not weeks. As the user continues to improve, they may discontinue its use and resume taking it at a later time if the suffering reappears.

Often, it is not needed over and over again.


23 Homeopathic remedies for when disaster strike

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Ignatia also helps in cases of:

  • Worry and concern over those who are sick, injured, or in danger
  • Traumatic experiences of all types and severity
  • Loss of confidence and persistent fear
  • Lack of trust in others
  • Depression and continually negative thoughts and feelings
  • Disillusionment and disappointment
  • Immediate or lasting grief

As you can see as the caretaker of your family, it is one remedy you want to have on hand so that you can do your job to the best of your ability. Remember; a good dose of emotion can drive us to take care of what needs to be done, but too much of that emotion can get in the way. Ignatia has the ability to provide the perfect balance for our emotions. It helps to bring about acceptance, strength and resilience, the ability to start seeing the joys of life as well as the sorrows, and the fortitude needed to go on.

Your Take Away

Homeopathy helps the body heal itself and leaves the body stronger and healthier for its work, and good health is one of our best assets for preparedness.

Whether you are preparing for a disaster scenario, want to live a more natural life or simply like to do things yourself, homeopathy is the perfect fit for your medical care.

Yes, we know that homeopathy is effective, safe and gentle.  But many of you tell me it is too difficult to learn and be effective in treating your family’s simple emergencies.

Problem solved: Watch this short video I’ve produce, because what I am about to show you is like nothing I have ever talked about, offered, or shared with you before.

23 Homeopathic remedies for when disaster strike

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Remember the last course I offered? Those students have reported it was a “life changer” and are already enjoying the benefits of what they learned.

If you believe in Homeopathy, dislike allopathic options, or simply feel an intuitive pull towards a different way…

This is the time.

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You will not find this material anywhere else.

(Unless you can get a fellowship and travel to India!)

Please join me. I’d love to meet you.



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