The New Fear, New Reason To Have A Survivalist Guide To Homeopathy
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When I launched the Survivalist Guide, I thought our enemy was President Obama and his signature piece of legislation called the Affordable Healthcare Act.
I wrote about forced vaccinations, limiting care for the elderly and chronically sick, and death panels.
I painted a future where if one wanted to stay healthy, one had better learn how to do it themselves.
I offered my guide as an anxiety reliever, a go-to, a must-have for one’s bug out bag.
I addressed everything from diarrhea to diphtheria to contact dermatitis, leg cramps to dental problems; UTI; parasites; and more. I included Anthrax; Chicken Pox; Cholera; Typhus; whooping cough; Yellow Fever, and the list goes on and on.
It was designed as a guide to show you how you can easily heal yourself without doctors, hospitals or drug stores.
For those hoping for a bright new future because we have a new president, I’m afraid it’s not the case. Don’t think for one moment all is well.
While Obamacare as we know it will likely be gone and those primary reasons for prepping may have seemed to disappear…
Now there is this:


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In their own words: Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Leaders say they want to make America ‘Ungovernable’.
Not surprisingly, stories of folks going off the grid are becoming increasingly more commonplace.
You, the original individualists, survivalists, and preppers have been joined.
The New Yorker just ran a fascinating article entitled, “Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich.” Wealthy entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley are joining the ranks of those concerned about caring for ourselves if modern civilization fails. They’re called H.N.W.I. (High Net Worth Individuals), and you’ve probably heard of some of them: Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn; Steve Huffman, co-founder and CEO of Reddit; and Marvin Liao and Tim Chang, venture capitalists.
I’ll admit, given their wealth, they may be able to make more entrenched and elaborate preparations, but their efforts, just like you and me, all boil down to one simple, common motivation: they’re looking for peace of mind about their families’ survival.
And the peace of mind has to include at the top of the list – your health.
It is time to again remember the words of the great Benjamin Franklin:
“If you think knowledge is expensive, try ignorance.”
So I am here to welcome you new members to a very exclusive and intelligent community – we who have acquired the ability to treat ourselves and our families safely and efficaciously with homeopathy.
This is the medicine you thought your doctor was going to give you.
This is the medicine you need for everyday situations, no matter how unexpected they may be.
This is the medicine you need to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
This is the medicine you have a duty and a responsibility to have on hand at all times.
The Survialist Guide to Homeopathy
A Hard cover Bound Guide that will be used for generations to come, with 8+ hours of webinars to flesh out the content of the Guide… and much more.
And a simple, interest-free payment plan.
You have done your homework, now it is time to make the right decision.
Get started today!
The Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy
For Those Who Seek Health Independence
And True Medical Preparedness

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Remember the last course I offered? Those students have reported it was a “life changer” and are already enjoying the benefits of what they learned.
If you believe in Homeopathy, dislike allopathic options, or simply feel an intuitive pull towards a different way…
This is the time.
This is the moment.
You will not find this material anywhere else.
(Unless you can get a fellowship and travel to India!)
Please join me. I’d love to meet you.